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Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE VOUCHER TO BE PRESENTED TO SCOTT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Court Claim to be approved 2/7/2024 Hurley Psychological Svc LLC, 978.00; M & M Office Products Inc., 40.00; Marsha Owens Howser, 50.00; Offices Gutierrez, 234.00; Quill Corp., 245.19; The Law...

DNA Technology Helps Solve Scott County Cold Case

While they are not revealing the names of the victim nor the suspect, police say that DNA technology helped to solve a nearly 29 year old attempted murder cold case in Scott County. The suspect, who moved out of the state shortly after the crime was committed and...

Town Of Crothersville Has New After-Hours Phone Notification

Crothersville clerk-treasurer Danieta Foster announced this week that Town Hall has a new phone system that allows officials to monitor calls remotely. “If you want to report an after hours emergency, such as a water line break or sewer stoppage, call the usual town...

Austin Police Officers Recognized

Some members of the Austin Police Department were recently recognized at the Jan. 9, Board of Works meeting for their service and accomplishments in achieving promotions to higher rankings. Their hard work and dedication to our community is much appreciated. From left...

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE State of Indiana County of Jackson Before the Plan Commission of the City of Seymour In the Matter of the Application of Baxter Family Trust To Rezone Real Estate within the Jurisdiction of the Plan Commission of the City of Seymour, Indiana Annual Term:...

CPD Traffic Stop Sends Seymour Man To Jail For Drugs

A routine traffic stop for speeding resulted in the driver, Brian Heath Jones, 56, of Seymour facing charges of possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia. While on patrol last Wednesday, Jan. 10, Crothersville Police officer Jacob Sharp...

Austin Man Dies In House Fire

A 61-year-old rural Austin man died last Wednesday evening when his West Harrod Road home caught fire. Authorities said Robert David Bowling Jr. was found deceased inside the structure however, no foul play is suspected. The Jennings Township Fire Department responded...