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Scott Masonic Lodge Serving Breakfast With The Easter Bunny

Scott Lodge #120 F&AM will host Breakfast with the Easter Bunny on Saturday April 9, from 8-11 a.m. A child’s photo with the Bunny will be available The public is cordially invited to attend. Cost of the event is a donation Scott Lodge #120 F&AM is located on...

Seymour’s “Parking Lot Pickers” This Saturday

An outdoor Parking Lot Pickers will be held this Saturday, April 9 at the Robertson Parking Lot And Walnut Street Parking Lot in Seymour from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendors will be selling Legos, Beanies, Sports Cards, household goods, toys, clothes, grocery items, vintage...

Procrastinated April Foolishness

by Curt Kovener In light of last Friday’s April Fool’s Day it is time to pass along some Tom Foolery witticisms from the Curt Comments archives. •When fish are in schools they sometimes take debate. •A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months. •The professor...

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Jackson County, Indiana, that the proper legal officer of Jackson County at their regular meeting place at Jackson County Courthouse Annex, at 8:00 a.m. on the...

Crothersville Begins Electronic Notification System

Clerk-Treasurer Warns About 3rd Party Online Utility Payment Town of Crothersville residents can be kept informed of emergency and local utility repair happenings with a new telephone based notification system. When streets are going to be closed or water will be shut...

7 Incarcerated On Variety Of Charges

Scott County Deputies sent seven to jail on drug and other charges recently. On Wednesday, March 9, Gered Ingalls, 31 of Scottsburg was arrested on a court warrant for possession of a narcotic drug. That same day, Ashley Green, 32 of Scottsburg was arrested on a...

Blue Bird Houses To Be Given Away

The Jennings Township Conservation Club will conduct a 2nd Chance Bluebird box giveaway on Saturday, March 26, from 8 a.m. until noon at the Club located at 2177 East Burn Rd., Austin. Homemade blue bird boxes are given away to help increase the population of this...

Can We Stop The Springing & Falling?

by Curt Kovener I have never been a fan of Daylight Saving Time. I wrote in the distant past in opposition to the semi annual “springing forward and falling back” of DST calling it akin to an STD. For Hoosier history students, it was Gov. Mitch Daniels (now president...

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE VOUCHER TO BE PRESENTED TO SCOTT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Court Claim to be approved 4/6/2022 CASA of Scott County Inc., 22,206.50; Diane Haag Law, 243.75; Jason Mount, 50.00; M & M Office Products Inc., 40.00; Marsha Owens Howser, 50.00; Offices...