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Commissioners Approve Election Texting Contract

Olivia P. Tucker Times Reporter Scott County Board of Commissioners approved a two-year contract for a texting program to send election updates when they met Feb. 7. Scott County Clerk Michelle Shelton spoke to the commissioners to discuss the program TextMyGov. She...

Primary Elections Set In Scott & Jackson Counties

Both Democratic and Republicans will have party election races in the May 7 Primary in Scott County. The filing deadline to seek public office was noon this past Friday, Feb. 9. Republican incumbent county commissioner from District 1 Randy Julian is facing two other...

Lawmaker Flashes Gun At Students In Statehouse

Rep. Jim Lucas Claims Matter Is “Blown out of proportion” by Leslie Bonilla Muñiz Indiana Capital Chronicle Young gun safety advocates clashed with an avowed gun-rights lawmaker on Tuesday, Jan. 30, in a 10-minute exchange that featured a brief flash of a holstered...

Feb. 15 Farmers Breakfast Spotlights Ag Economy

Good food and good information are on the menu when the Community Foundation of Jackson County and Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service serve up the 21st annual Farmers Breakfast. The event is set for 7:30 a.m. Feb. 15 at Pewter Hall in Brownstown. Doors...