Jun 9, 2021 | Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICEAlcohol & Tobacco CommissionLEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGThe Alcohol Beverage Board of Scott County, Indiana will hold a public hearing at 12:00 pm on June 23, 2021 virtually through Microsoft Teams, to investigate the propriety of holding an...
Jun 2, 2021 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener We all knew they were coming as they have every 17 years in Southern Indiana as they have since before the forests were cleared by the immigrant settlers.I went out the front door in the Wilderness one recent morning to be greeted by hollow shells and...
Jun 2, 2021 | Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICELegal Notice of Public HearingNotice is hereby given that the Scott County Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing at the Scott County Courthouse 1 E. McClain Avenue, Room 128, Scottsburg, IN on Wednesday, June 9, 2021, at 6:00 PM at which time...