Everett Fox, 54, of Madison was sentenced to six years in prison after being convicted at trial by jury of Domestic Battery with a prior conviction on the same victim, Interference with Reporting a Crime, and Theft, according to Scott County Prosecutor Chris Owens.
In addition to the time in prison, he shall not have any contact with the victim in this matter. “The Domestic Battery charge was elevated from a Class A Misdemeanor to a Level 5 Felony because of his prior conviction on the same victim,” said Owens. The six year prison sentence was the maximum sentence allowed for a Level 5 Felony.
The jury convicted Fox after a three day jury trial from April 19-21, and was for crimes he committed on February 4 of this year.
After his arrest in February, Fox requested a speedy trial. the trial was conducted in April, Scott Circuit Court Judge Jason Mount sentenced Fox on May 16.
“The maximum sentence for a Level 5 Felony is appropriate for Fox, as he has accumulated a very extensive criminal history that spans back over 25 years,” said Owens. “The only way to assure safety for the victim and the community from violent crimes is to incarcerate violent offenders for as long as possible. Fox’s past shows an unwillingness to behave like the law abiding citizens of our community.”
Deputy Prosecutors Stacey Niccum and Mark Kiesler handled the prosecution of the case.