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Hoping to be prepared for new industry and additional housing, Crothersville Town Council is beginning efforts to annex up to 450 acres on its south and east side into the town limits.

An Annexation Master Plan was to be approved at Tuesday night’s town council meeting on Aug. 3.

That approval begins a lengthy process of public hearings on the matter.

One group of properties (Parcel A) along US 31 south of town already have municipal water, sewer and other town services.

A 150-acre parcel (Parcel B) owned by Willis and Michael Wehmiller immediately south of the town’s industrial park would allow for industrial expansion, town officials said.

A group of homes along Moore Stree/600 S as well as a little over 120 acres owned by Donald Hargett and Willis, Michael and Bradley Wehmiller (Parcel C) are being considered for industry and residential by the council. Many of the homes along Moore/600S already have town sewer services.

The largest single property (Parcel D) is owned by Margaret Gasser, and would provide for expanded housing if inside the town limits, officials said.

A fifth parcel (E) considered to be brought inside the town limits is a 56.68 acre property owned by Jackson County Land Company LLC where Sims Bark is located.

The entire annexation process can take up to six months with multiple public hearings to receive public input, according to town attorney Matthew Lorenzo.