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Olivia P Tucker

Times Reporter

Scott County Council denied spending American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to purchase three new vehicles for the Scott County Sheriff’s Department at their regular meeting on Feb. 13.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 granted $1.9 trillion for the country’s recovery from the economic and health effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sheriff Jerry Goodin told the council that in August, Scott County Board of Commissioners had approved the purchase of three new vehicles. He said he spoke to Council President Lyndi Hughbanks, who suggested that he wait until after the first of the year due to construction in the courthouse.

Council member John Miller asked the sheriff if the vehicle prices remained the same from the agreed amount purchased, and Goodin confirmed that he spoke to John Jones dealership in Salem to make sure the price remained the same from the agreed amount.

The total funding requested ARPA is $163,774 to purchase two 2023 Dodge Ram pickup trucks and a 2023 Dodge Durango. The pickup trucks are to cost $55,651 each while the Durango costs $52,472.

The council turned down the funding request 2-4 with JR Ward, Jonathan White, John Collins and Eric Gillespie voting against the purchase, Hughbanks was not present during the vote.