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The Wisdom Of Hoosiers

by Curt Kovener A friend gifted me a book on the common sense and uncommon genius of Midwesterners. I have gleaned from it to share with you the philosophies, observations and witticisms of men and women either born or raised Hoosier. George Ade was a Indiana born...

Punny Situations

by Curt Kovener I enjoy a good pun… even a bad one. And I particularly enjoy sharing them. Some folks have said how much fun they are to read. So maybe that makes me a funner punner. But you be the judge. •Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed...

The Wilderness Is Awakening

by Curt KovenerAfter my February adventure in 2022 my physician and my cardiologist strongly recommend that I drink lots of water and exercise. So I have been drinking about a gallon of water each day and running… running to the bathroom. In reality, my exercise...

I Wonder If Police Have A Sense Of Humor

by Curt Kovener Adequately funding police departments is problematic. Decreasing tax revenue from a legislature that claims to support police but prefers cutting taxes to get re-elected coupled with increasing costs of equipment and vehicles frequently leaves law...

The Dam Battle Goes On

by Curt Kovener I have written previously about the pair of beavers who have taken up residence in the wilderness pond. We can see their lodge on the west bank made up of sticks and mud. We are very fine with the beavers staying with us because, being herbivores, they...

Don’t Blame Me, Life Made Me That Way: Part 2

by Curt Kovener Some more wisdom, observations and logic gained from being around this world for over 70 years… •Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish....