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by Curt Kovener We all knew they were coming as they have every 17 years in Southern Indiana as they have since before the forests were cleared by the immigrant settlers.I went out the front door in the Wilderness one recent morning to be greeted by hollow shells and...

Now On To The Really Hard Work

BY CURT KOVENER High school senior classes in the Times circulation area will begin graduating over the next couple of weeks. Austin and Crothersville seniors graduate this Friday, May 21, while Scottsburg seniors are set to hold graduation on Sunday, June 6. And...

Don’t Blame Me Life Made Me That Way

by Curt Kovener A long-time journalism friend sent me a new word and its definition. Sarchotic: When you’re so sarcastic people aren’t sure if you’re joking or just psychotic.So in that vein (and feel free to share when you deem appropriate)…•I was hoping for a battle...

He Wrote Another Trashy Column

by Curt Kovener An Earth Day Epilogue.Almost every Tuesday is trash pick up day in a number of Southern Hoosier communities.We are a trashy people. From the dawn of civilization we have been trashy people. But those early pre-historic trash heaps are now archeological...

State Legislators Engage In False Economy

by Curt Kovener It’s time to debunk the myth of the financial burden advertising public notices places on local government units.The cost is the No. 1 cited reason given by those who lobby the legislature for local government associations when testifying for the...

It’s That Time Of Year Again…

by Curt Kovener Tomorrow is April Fool’s Day so it is time to pass along some Tom Foolery wise acre witticisms I have been collecting over the winter months.•When fish are in schools they sometimes take debate.•A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months.•The...