A bank robbery was reported at the Jackson County Bank, located at the intersection of Main and Commerce Streets in Brownstown last Tuesday, Feb. 6. A suspect was quickly apprehended and jailed on charges related to the robbery.

Jeremiah Marcus Bragg, 35, of Brownstown was incarcerated in Jackson County Jail charged in connection with the robbery.

The investigation began shortly after 2:30 pm when a bank alarm was received by dispatchers with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department. It was reported that an armed man entered the bank, pointed a gun at the employees, and left the branch on foot with approximately $900 in cash.

Officers from the Brownstown Police Department and Jackson County Sheriff’s Department responded to the scene. A neighbor reported that a man ran through his yard and got into a black passenger car that was occupied by two other individuals and left the area.

A Brownstown Police Officer observed a black Nissan passenger car matching the description traveling westbound on Vallonia Road from Poplar Street, just outside of Brownstown. A traffic stop was conducted on the vehicle.

Police said Bragg exited the rear passenger seat of the vehicle while holding a handgun and large amount of cash. Bragg soon dropped the handgun and was taken into custody by Brownstown Officers and Jackson County Deputies.

The Brownstown Police Department requested Detectives from the Indiana State Police respond to lead the investigation

The two adult females in the vehicle with Bragg were soon released.