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Mother & Daughter Charged With Felony Meth Possession

A mother and daughter were charged with felony possession methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia and other drug offenses last Thursday, July 27, when a neighbor notified Scott County Sheriff’s deputies that women were “acting strange” and that several cars...

Crothersville VBS Raises Money For School Supplies

The recently completed Crothersville Community Vacation Bible School had a competition in collecting funds between the boys and girls. In their efforts the youngsters collected $667.62. Matthew Stites (right) presented a check to school superintendent Dr. Chrystal...

Jim & Margie Huls Celebrate 60th Anniversary

Jim & Margie Huls of rural Crothersville recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Sunday, July 16. A party was hosted for family & friends at the Tampico Christian Church where they were originally married August 3, 1963. They are the parents of a...

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Scott County Regional Sewer District (SCRSD) has developed a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) identifying wastewater infrastructure improvements. The projects presented in the PER include the installation of the new sanitary...