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Dollar Tree Store Wants To Locate In Austin

Dollar Tree Store Proposed Location Outlined In Yellow A national chain of discount variety stores is hoping to build on Austin’s westside. Dollar Tree, a Fortune 500 company, operates over 15,100 store nationwide and Canada. The retailer, through its property...

District 1 Adjusts School Calendar For Solar Eclipse Next Year

by Olivia P. Tucker Times Reporter Scott County School District 1 Board of Trustees agreed at their regular meeting on April 17 to change some dates of the 2023-2024 school calendar in anticipation of a solar eclipse occuring on April 8, 2024. The last time there was...

Crothersville Community Yard Sale Sign-Up Underway

The Greater Crothersville Community Yard Sales will be held Saturday, May 6, it was announced this week. Yard sales can be advertised free of charge on the Town of Crothersville’s Facebook page or by calling town hall at 812-793-2311.

Punny Situations

by Curt Kovener I enjoy a good pun… even a bad one. And I particularly enjoy sharing them. Some folks have said how much fun they are to read. So maybe that makes me a funner punner. But you be the judge. •Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed...