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Crothersville Leaf Pick Up To Begin Next Week

Annual leaf pickup will begin the week of Nov. 8 with leaves being picked up on Mondays (weather permitting) through the end of November, according to Crothersville clerk-treasurer Danieta Foster. “Please have piles or row of leaves as close as possible to the road...

Conservation Club Fish Fry This Saturday

The Tri-County Conservation Club Drive Thru Fish Fry & Chili Supper will be this Saturday, Nov. 6, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call in orders will be taken by calling 812-820-3639 or 812-820-3496. One the menu will be fish sandwiches, french fries, chili, and drinks....

Life Lessons Learned From A Hickory Nut

by Curt Kovener November rains always bring cold. With recent and predicted rains bringing chills to my bones, I opted to spend time inside in the quiet of the wilderness retreat. I have been trying to collect some of those large hickory nuts with thin hulls and thin...


LEGAL NOTICE The City of Austin Parks Board will offer for sale “AS IS” to the highest bidder by sealed bids a Polaris Xpress 300 4-Wheeler. All sealed bids MUST be received in the Mayor’s Office at City Hall no later than 12:00 p.m., Friday, November 12, 2021. The...