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Trash, Recycling Fees To Stay The Same For Next Year, But…

Residents of Crothersville will see no change to their monthly fee for trash and recycling in 2017 thanks to Rumpke Recycling seeking no change to their existing contract charges for the first year of a new 2-year contract. However, in 2018 residents will see an...

Area Woman Dies While Fighting Trash Fire

A rural Seymour woman burning trash Tuesday, Nov. 1, was found dead after a trash fire got out of control and burned several acres, police report. The results of an autopsy conducted on 64-year-old Ramona K. Blackburn at Schneck Medical Center in Seymour showed she...

FFA Craft Show Coming Up

The Crothersville FFA will be hosting their 21st Annual Craft Show on Saturday Nov. 21, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in both Crothersville High School Gymnasiums. There will be vendors, a silent auction, and concessions including pork burgers, chili, desserts, and drinks....

Random Thoughts And Observations

by Curt Kovener’s Mom This week’s offering is “Mom Approved”. Or, I guess it is, she sent these to me. •The location of your mailbox shows you how far away from your house you can be in a robe, before you start looking like a mental patient. •My...


RESIDENT MANAGER OPENING: Move now. Reduced rent plus bonus for light maintenance and showing prospects. Very nice two-bedroom apartment. Call Mark at 317-432-4235. IF YOU CAN READ, help someone who can’t. Call 523-8688 to start helping MOBILITY ISSUES?? We have...