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Gobble Today; Be Gobbled Tomorrow

A wild turkey hen, photographed in the Jackson County woodlands, casts a wary eye lest she become the featured attraction at tomorrow’s dinner. ~photo by Tracie Kovener

First, You Get A Turkey…

Crothersville 1st Graders Offer Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes In a Thanksgiving Tradition for the Crothersville Times, we publish recipes from first graders at Crothersville Elementary on how they would prepare their favorite holiday dish for tomorrow. Their youthful...

Thanksgiving Food Prices Drop Significantly

Hoosiers will pay significantly less for their Thanksgiving meal this year, according to Indiana Farm Bureau’s annual Thanksgiving market basket survey. The average the cost for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner as recorded by INFB’s survey is at its lowest level...

Public Notices

tax-abatement-legal PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO BUS ROUTE BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Trustees of Crothersville community Schools will receive sealed bids at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 201 South Preston Street, Crothersville,...

Thanksgiving: A History & Reflection

by Curt Kovener Americans don’t know it and children aren’t taught it, but George Washington is responsible for our Thanksgiving holiday. It was our first president who led the charge to make this day of thanks a truly national event—not the Pilgrims and not Abraham...