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When’s The First Frost Expected…

With unseasonably cool weather in Indiana lately, a question farmers and home gardeners might be asking is when they will get their first freeze or frost. The answer depends on where they live. But here’s what they can expect based on an analysis of historical...

$1,000 Reward Offered After Area Burglaries

Within the last couple of months, homes, outbuilding and automobiles around the Hardy Lake area of Scott County, have been getting burglarized. “Within this time there have been seven burglaries and thefts alone. Within the last month there have been two major...

Library Seeks To Recycle Halloween Constumes

Recycle and reuse trick-or-treat costumes by participating in the Free Halloween Costume Exchange 5:30-7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 11, at the Crothersville Library. The Halloween Costume Exchange is co-sponsored by Jackson County Recycling and the Jackson County Public...