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FFA Delivers 6.5 Tons Of Food To Area Needy Families

Scampering about like Santa’s elves, members of the Crothersville FFA braved cold temperatures Saturday morning to deliver 6.5 tons of food to the community’s needy during the chapter’s 22nd annual toy and food drive. There were 85 families who had food and Christmas...

‘Stomach Flu’ Is Not Influenza

Winter is the season for flu, but state health officials want to remind Hoosiers the “stomach flu” is not actually influenza. However, both can be prevented. “This time of year, we hear a lot of talk about the flu and we want to be sure the public...

Schneck Medical Center Proactive In Preventing Bed Bugs

Schneck Medical Center has taken a pro-active response to a growing concern with bedbugs in the community. Janet Myers, RN, MSM, NE-BC, Director of Risk and Safety Management at Schneck, said the hospital has not had any bedbug infestations, but officials have...

The Times Takes A Holiday Break

This issue will be the last for 2010 as the Times staff takes a much deserved and eagerly anticipated holiday break. There will be no newspaper next week but readers can look for their first issue of 2011 on the usual Wednesday publication date, January 5. Here is...

So Just Who Did Steal Christmas?

by Curt Kovener A law was passed requiring everyone to pay a tax in this home town. That was the law decreed over 2,000 years ago by an occupying government authority. So without government involvement, prophecy would not have been fulfilled and Jesus may not have...