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Jennings Township Trustee, Steve Sadler announced last week the installation of two new tornado sirens located at the Jennings Township Fire Department in Austin and at New Providence Church on Slab Road in the eastern part of the township.

“As I walked my first ever campaign trail that was a request of the people and I promised to look into this if elected and that is exactly what I did,” said Jennings Township Trustee Steve Sadler.

“There are so many people to thank.  The taxpayers of Jennings Township as tax dollars were used to help pay for this project.  I would like to thank Mayor Roger Hawkins and his board.  I went to them asking if they would pay for one of the sirens within the city limits and they agreed to immediately.  A few more people to thank is Fire Chief Joe Smith for his assistance in proper location, 911 director Jeremy McDaniel for taking on the responsibility of setting the sirens off in a threat of a tornado or other emergency situation.  Pastor Mike Cammack and the board at New Providence church for accepting the responsibility to pay the electric bill and allowing the pole to be set there at no cost to the tax payers.”

Sadler said he hopes in 2025 to install a third severe weather siren, He expressed gratitude for the support of the township board of Ron Howard, Mahala Baker, Iva Gasaway and secretary Jill Baker.

Sadler encouraged residents to be aware of the sound of the severe weather sirens and to make plans now where to seek shelter.

Sadler noted that Scott County 911 Dispatch is responsible for activating the sirens during a weather emergency. He added that the sirens will be tested weekly on Wednesday to insure proper functioning.