A Crothersville woman who has long been active with community events and organizations was honored by the Crothersville Town Council last week for her efforts to better the community. Doris Kovener, who celebrated her 90th birthday last Thursday, has devoted her adult life to helping others.
Over the years her volunteer efforts include serving as a Cub Scout den mother, a Mental Health America of Jackson County board member, and publicity chairperson for Hamacher Hall.
She also is a founding member of the Crothersville Red, White and Blue Festival and served as the committee’s treasurer for 40 years, has helped with funeral meals for families in need and volunteered at the Farm Bureau ice cream booth at the Jackson County Fair.
“The town council is recognizing local residents, clubs or organizations who go above and beyond to give back to the community and help make Crothersville a great place to live,” council President Jason Hillenburg said before presenting Kovener with a framed certificate.
“Thank you, Doris. We appreciate you very much, and happy birthday,” he said, which drew a round of applause.