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Scott County Sheriff Jerry Goodin announced Thursday that the Scott County Jail has graduated two more inmates, Jenny Stamper and Amber Napier, with a high school diploma equivalency or otherwise known as “GED”.

Three other inmates, Gabrielle Little, Felicia King, and Autumn Campbell, graduated from the Jail Chemical Addiction Program (JCAP) being offered at the Scott County Jail. “These three ladies completed a six week addiction course in the jail paid for by the State Attorney General’s Office,” Goodin said.

“We’re not just arresting people, we are giving them the opportunity to succeed in life once they exit the jail,” said the sheriff.

Since Sheriff Goodin took office the Scott County Jail has been providing education and job training to inmates while they are incarcerated. These programs are being paid for by grants and other non-taxpayer funding.

“I am extremely proud of the inmates taking advantage of the offered programs to change their lives,” he said.