In a brief, first meeting of the year on Monday, Jan. 11, the Crothersville School Board of Trustees elected Robert Spicer as the board president. Dale Schmelzle was elected vice president, Trina McLain was re-elected secretary and Linda Luedeman was elected as the board’s legislative liaison. Each was elected by unanimous vote.
Spicer formerly served as president of the school board when he and Schmelzle switched leadership positions.
Spicer and Schmelzle were named as president and vice president, respectively, of the school board of finance.
The board hired the following to teach Elementary Winter and Spring ISTEP+ Remediation after school programs: Madeleine DiBlasi, 3rd grade instructor; Rachel Neal, 4th grade instructor; and Amanda Wilp, 5th grade instructor.
The board approved the 2016-2017 school calendar.
The first day of school for students will start Aug. 2.
School will be closed Sept. 5 for Labor Day, Oct. 24-28 for fall break, Nov. 24 through 27 for Thanksgiving break and Dec. 19 through Jan. 3 for Christmas break. The first semester ends Dec. 16.
The second semester will start Jan. 4, 2017.
There will be no school Jan. 16 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Feb. 20 for Presidents Day, but those could be used for makeup days if needed. School will be closed March 20-24 for spring break and April 14 for Good Friday.
Built-in snow days are scheduled for March 27, April 17 and May 9.
The last day of school for students is set for May 25. Graduation will be at 8 p.m. May 26 in the high school gymnasium.