All area residents age 60 years of age and older are invited to the Crothersville Senior Citizens Center for food, fun and fellowship for a special Nutrition Awareness Day with this year’s theme being ‘Home Grown Nutrition’.
The menu for this special day is chicken cacciatore, baked potato, diced carrots, wheat roll, apple cobbler, and beverage.
The key message for this year’s campaign reinforces the benefits of fruits and vegetables and shopping at Farmer’s Markets
For reservations call the Center at 793-2523 as soon as possible.
Meals for Better Living Senior Nutrition Program of Aging & Community Services offers hot lunches each weekday at the Senior Luncheon Sites for those who are at least 60 years old on a free-will donation basis. Those under 60 years will be charged $4.50 for the meal.
Over 12,100 lunches were served to dine-in participants in the Jackson County area last year. Home-delivered meals are provided throughout the area each weekday. Over 22,400 hot lunches were delivered to the shut-in seasoned citizens in Jackson County last year.