Two Scott County men were sentenced to prison recently for their roles in a series of burglaries that occurred from June 2021 to February 2022.

Steven Gluck, 42, of Scottsburg pled guilty to burglary, auto theft, and theft.
According to Scott County Prosecutor Chris Owens, an open sentencing hearing held last Dec. 17, in which the parties agreed that the Court would determine the sentence to be handed out for these crimes. After receiving evidence and hearing arguments from both the Prosecutor’s Office and the defense, the Scott Circuit Court Judge Jason Mount sentenced Gluck to a total sentence of seven years, 5 1/2 years to be served in prison and a year and a half to be served on home detention, said the prosecutor.

Larry Jade Smith of Scottsburg pled guilty to two counts of burglary, auto theft, and theft.
An open sentencing hearing was held earlier this month, in which the parties agreed that the Court would determine the sentence to be handed out for his criminal acts. Judge Mount sentenced Smith to a total of 10 years with eight years to be served in prison followed by two years on home detention, Owens said.
“The citizens of Scott County should be able to feel confident that their property and possessions are safe,” said Owens. Mr. Gluck and Mr. Smith ran amuck helping themselves to property that did not belong to them and I am glad to be able to see that they are being held accountable for their criminal behavior.”