Crothersville High School Greenhouse will open for the season this Saturday, May 3, at 9 a.m. during the Community-Wide Yard Sale.
“The horticulture science students have worked hard to offer the community a wide variety of annual bedding flowering plants and garden vegetable plants,” said horticulture instructor Linda Maxie. “There are a few hanging baskets as well.”
The Crothersville FFA Chapter is also sponsoring a plant give-away similar to last year. “Last year, we had a sponsor to help offset the cost of the containers, seed, and soil. This year, the FFA members will be picking up the tab to give away 450 plants to the community”, said Maxie.
The nine plant pack is made up primarily of vegetable plants that can be planted by families and raised to supplement summer garden raised vegetables. Nine plant pack will be limited to one per family. The FFA chapter members would like to encourage a healthy living style, promote agriculture, and have a way to provide the community with affordable food supply for the summer months. They encourage gardeners that if extra vegetables are raised, that they share them with their neighbors or family.