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Schneck Foundation, Schneck Primary Care and Schneck Family Care will be offering free vital checks and reduced-rate blood testing at four upcoming Vitals & Vials screening locations.
The screening will offer a comprehensive metabolic profile for $40, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) for $30, and prostate specific antigen (PSA) for $30. In addition, participants can have their blood pressure, pulse, oxygen level, and height and weight checked free.
“This low-cost blood testing and free vitals check can provide important details about your health – sometimes before symptoms of a condition surface — giving you and your physician the power to plan ahead,” said Stephanie Flinn, Executive Director, Schneck Foundation.
Vitals & Vials will be offered on Aug. 7, 8 to 10 a.m., at Scheck Family Care Washington County, 403 S Main Street, Salem, and at Scheck Family Care Jennings County, 2145 N State Highway 3, North Vernon.
A similar screening in Scott & Jackson counties will be Aug. 21, 8 to 10 a.m., at Scheck Family Care Scott County, 1366 N Gardner Street, Scottsburg, and at Scheck Professional Building, Level 4, 411 West Tipton Street, Seymour.
Fasting is required for the comprehensive metabolic profile and lab results will be mailed to participants’ homes. Payment, cash and check, will be accepted at the event. Insurance cannot be billed.
Call 812-524-4244 by July 31 to register for Vitals & Vials. Reserve your spot early as space at each event is limited, said Flinn.