Scott County Sheriff’s Deputies arrested two people on North Terry Road northeast of Austin on Sunday, Nov. 26.

Detective Donovan McCutchen and Deputy Kacey Reschar were dispatched to the 5300 block of North Terry Road on the report of a drug overdose. When they arrived, they talked with Katie Dones who had reportedly overdosed. McCutcheon said that Dones eyes were fully dilated, her movements were quick and jerky, and she was unable to sit still while speaking, according to the court probable cause affidavit.
When asked if she had used any narcotics lately, Dones told the deputies “No” and that she had gotten out of rehab the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
The homeowner gave deputies permission to look in Dones’ bedroom where authorities observed laying on a dresser was an uncapped syringe next to papers with a powdery substance, according to the court document.
The substance field tested positive as cocaine.

Police reported Dones later admitted to injecting the drug. The probable cause affidavit reported that Dones “stated she had gone to her nana’s house earlier that night and gotten (the drug) from Josh (Wray) and Kaylie (Mullins).”
Mullins is Dones’ sister; Wray is Mullins’ boyfriend, according to the court document.
After Dones was transported by Scott County EMS for evaluation at Scott Memorial Hospital, the deputies went to the nearby grandmother’s residence to talk to Mullins and Wray.
The property owner gave officers permission to come in to talk with the pair.
Mullins was not at the home but Wray was found in an upstairs bedroom. Several prescription pills were seen in the room along with a prescription bottle for Katie Dones’ mother. Officers found Katie Dones ID on a bedroom shelf and believe that she traded her mother’s prescription for the cocaine found in her room, according to the probable cause document.
In the bedroom with Wray, deputies found a tackle box containing five syringes, one with a brown liquid substance later tested positive for heroin.
Wray and Dones were incarcerated in Scott County Jail.
Katie Lee Dones, 21, of Austin faces felony charges of possession of a narcotic drug and possession of a syringe. On Nov. 28, Scott Circuit Court Magistrate Allison T. Frazier set her bond at $25,000 and ordered her held in custody for 15 days.
Joshua A. Wray, 36, of Austin was charged with possession of a narcotic drug, possession of a legend drug, and possession of a syringe, all felony charges. Magistrate Frazier set his bond at $15,000.
As of the newspaper press deadline, both remain in Scott County Jail.