Violation of the terms of home detention and his parole for dealing methamphetamine sent Kevin J. Fox, 46, of Scottsburg back to prison, according to Scott county Prosecutor Chris Owens.
Fox served time in prison for dealing meth and was serving his probation on home detention when these new violations occurred, Owens said.
On Sept. 12, of this year while on probation and home detention, Fox was arrested by Scottsburg Police for violating the rules of his home detention. Petitions to revoke his probation were filed alleging Fox committed a new criminal offense, traveled outside of his approved schedule, and used illegal drugs.
After a Nov. 3 hearing, Deputy Prosecutor Mark Kiesler proved that Fox violated the terms of his probation. The matter was set for a sentencing hearing last Thursday. Scott Circuit Court Judge Jason Mount ordered the remainder of Fox’s four-year home detention and two years probation to be served in prison. After serving the six-year prison sentence, Fox will be on probation an additional four years, Owens said,
“Our office is working hard to see that criminal offenders are held accountable for their crimes, and when offenders who have been given chances to change their criminal ways refuse to do so, the prosecutor’s office works hard to see that they are incarcerated so that the other citizens of this community are safe,” said Owens. “Law abiding citizens in our community are sick and tired of repeat offenders and the people in my office are told ensure that these offenders are held accountable for their actions.”