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Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE VOUCHER TO BE PRESENTED TO SCOTT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Court Claim to be approved 1/5/2022 Diane Haag Law, $517.50; Houston Thompson & Lewis PC, $714.00; Indiana Judges Assoc., $200.00; Lorch Naville Ward LLC, $645.00; M & M Office Products Inc.,...

Grinch Steals Scott County Courthouse Holiday Lights

The holidays took a very sour turn as half of a new Christmas display was stolen from the Scott County Courthouse lawn in early December, according to Mike Chesser, director of the Scott County Visitors’ Commission, the organization which recently purchased the...

Crothersville-Vernon Township Fire Dept. Names Top Responders

The Crothersville-Vernon Township Fire Department held its year-end awards and holiday celebration on Saturday, Dec. 4.Officers and award winners left to right are Deputy Chief Logan Isenhower, Donald Crater EMT of the Year for 2020, Mikey Blair Firefighter of the...

Youngsters Can Eat Breakfast With Santa Claus Saturday

Scott Lodge #120 Free and Accepted Masons will hold an open to the public Breakfast With Santa on Saturday Dec. 18, 2021 from 8-11 a.m. Child Photo with Santa will be available. Cost is a Donation. Scott Lodge is located at 425 North 31 in Austin just north of the...

December Deceit & Christmas Snooping

by Curt Kovener We are involved in a most deceitful level of human activity in the Jackson-Scott County area. In fact, the little white lies, half-truths, and fibs are not exclusive to just our community but stretch across the American countryside. And there is not a...

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE State of Indiana County of Jackson Before the Board of Zoning Appeals of the City of Seymour Annual Term: 2021 In the Matter of the Application of Maria Sutherland to Vary from Land Use Requirements for real estate within the Jurisdiction of the Board of...

9 Jailed On Drug Charges In Scott County

The Scott County Sheriff’s Department continued it focus on drug activity arresting nine people last week on a variety of drug related charges. On Wednesday, Nov. 24, Deputy Andy Brown arrested Devyn Dowls, 20 of South Bend for possession of narcotic drug, possession...

Scottsburg To Regulate Mobile Food Concessions

The Scottsburg City Council has recently passed legislation to regulate a growing industry throughout the United States. Since the COVID pandemic restaurants which closed or had to limit customers inside their facilities, many exiting eateries and entrepreneurs have...