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Trio Charged After Drug Raid In Austin

Armed with a search warrant, around 6:30 p.m. last Wednesday, Aug. 24, law enforcement officers from the Scott County Sheriff’s Department and Austin Police Department raided a Hill Street residence on Austin’s north side that resulted in the arrest of three people on...

3 Receive Prison Sentences

On Thursday, Aug. 18, three men received prison sentences in Scott Circuit Court, according to Scott County Prosecutor Chris Owens. William A. Cummings, 51, of Scottsburg pled guilty to the burglary to a storage unit and possession of methamphetamine. Judge Jason...

Live Auction To Benefit Cemetery

A live auction is planned at and to benefit Covenanter Cemetery on Saturday, Sept. 10 at 2 p.m.  The cemetery is located at 6933 N. Covenanter Road north of Salem in Washington County. Funds raised will be used for cemetery upkeep. Come enjoy the auction, and...

I Wish I’d Said That…

by Curt Kovener Whether these are golden oldies or moldy oldies will be up to you. But here are some vintage thoughts to take our minds off our problems (real, imagined and otherwise). Contemplate, if you will, this offering of life’s truths. • Don’t sweat the...

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Austin intends to obtain grant-loan assistance from United States Department of Agriculture – Rural Development (RD) for a proposed project that includes the purchase of Police Vehicles. The project will benefit all the...

65 Parcels On Scott County Delinquent Property Tax Sale List

There are 65 parcels of property in Scott County with delinquent taxes that could be sold at an auction on Friday, Oct. 7, beginning at 10 a.m., according to a legal notice on page 3 of this week’s print issue of the Crothersville Times and in the Legal Notices...

Scott Deputies Arrest 4 On Drug Charges

Scott County Sheriff’s Deputies arrested four men last week in separate incidents on a variety of drug related charges. Byron Miller, 30 of Lexington was arrested after midnight on Sunday, Aug. 14, for possession of methamphetamine and resisting law enforcement....

Fish Fry Friday At Hamacher Hall

Hamacher Hall, Crothersville’s Cultural Arts Center. will have a fish fry fundraiser this Friday, Aug. 26, at 6 p.m. The box meal will include fish sandwich, slaw, chips, cookie and drink for $6. Also available will be a hot dog, slaw, chips, cookie and drink...

Vendors Sought For Sorority Craft Show

Phi Beta Psi Sorority Theta Nu Chapter in Crothersville will host a Craft Show on Saturday, Sept. 10,  from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at The Crothersville-Vernon Twp. Fire Station at the corner of Moore Street and US 31. The group is accepting vendors for...