This is the online home of the Crothersville Times — the largest weekly newspaper in Jackson and Scott County — first online in 2000.
City Inks Deal To Bring Development To Downtown Scottsburg Square
Two empty buildings on the west side of the courthouse square in downtown Scottsburg will soon be filled with a main level restaurant and upper floor converted to up-scale apartments. Mayor William Graham said that 64 and 80 S. Main Street have been sold to Sprigler...
Learn About Essential Oils At Library Seminars
The Jackson County Public Library is presenting a program on Essential Oils at the Crothersville, Medora, and Seymour libraries. People who are interested in learning more about the benefits and use of essential oils are encouraged to attend one or more sessions led...
There’s A Coming Winter Conflict
by Curt Kovener There is a kerfuffle in the coming seasonal air and it has to do with what kind of winter we are going to have. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac (and we all know a number of old farmers, don’t we?), the Midwest and the entire North American...
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF SCOTT STATE OF INDIANA CAUSE NO.: 72D01-1908-DN-118 IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF Melissa Jean Hamilton Petitioner, and Billy Dean Hamilton, Respondent. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION TO: Billy Dean Hamilton Whereabouts Unknown To...
MOBILITY ISSUES?? We have walkers, wheelchairs & canes to lend. Contact Crothersville Senior Citizens at 793-2523.tfn BANKRUPTCY Payment plans available. 812-522-0628, Mark Risser, Attorney at Law. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy...
City Power Going Green
Scottsburg Solar Park Under Construction The construction of a solar park along I-65 in the southwest corner of the City of Scottsburg is underway on a 43 acre parcel of land. When completed there will be around 36 acres of solar panels, making the Scott County power...