This is the online home of the Crothersville Times — the largest weekly newspaper in Jackson and Scott County — first online in 2000.
A Season Without A Drink
by Curt Kovener Farmers have had it tough this growing season. Cool wet spring, rains that came as a deluge (there was 8.35 inches that fell in the wilderness this spring), and then the faucet turned off and it got #$%^& hot for the summer. But crop producers are...
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE Legal Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the Scottsburg Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing at Scottsburg City Hall, 2 E. McClain Avenue, Scottsburg, IN on Monday, October 28, 2019 at 6:30PM at which time all interested...
MOBILITY ISSUES?? We have walkers, wheelchairs & canes to lend. Contact Crothersville Senior Citizens at 793-2523.tfn BANKRUPTCY Payment plans available. 812-522-0628, Mark Risser, Attorney at Law. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy...
Community Can Vote For New Welcome Sign Design
New ‘Welcome to Crothersville’ signs are being planned for the north and south entrances to the community and residents can vote with their billfold on which design they want to see. Chad Wilson is heading up the project and has come up with two designs featuring...
Scott County Couple Face 17 Child Abuse Related Charges
A Scott County man and woman are in jail facing multiple charges of child abuse, battery and neglect of dependent in Scott Circuit Court. On Monday, August 19, Scott County Sheriff’s Detective Jacklyn Shofner received information from the Department of Child Services...
Scottsburg New Home Construction Continues To Build
The upward trend of increased construction of new single-family residential homes in the city of Scottsburg has continued, with significant increases in each of the last 4 years, and is remains high in 2019, according to information recently released by the Scottsburg...