This is the online home of the Crothersville Times — the largest weekly newspaper in Jackson and Scott County — first online in 2000.
Coronavirus Cancels Jackson County Fair
Jackson County organizers have joined Scott and Bartholomew Counties in cancellation their annual county fairs in light of COVID-19 and the inability to control social distancing with large crowds.Last week the Jackson County 4-H Council, Purdue Extension Jackson...
Conservation Club Drive-Up Fish Fry This Saturday
The Tri-County Conservation Club will be having their first fish fry of the season this Saturday, June 6, with serving from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.Because of the coronavirus pandemic and social distancing, this will be a drive-thru event. You will drive up to the porch and...
SICA Concert Series To Begin June 19
In accordance with the most recent coronavirus guidelines from Gov. Eric Holcomb, the Southern Indiana Center for the Arts, Seymour, has rescheduled its 2020 “Friday Night Live” outdoor summer concert season for June 19 through Aug. 7. The series originally had been...
Signs Of A Bountiful Blackberry Crop Amid Coronavirus
by Curt Kovener From my observations of the wilderness fencerows and open areas, this should be a bonanza year.It seems that all of the dynamics have come together for a bumper crop of wild blackberry.The winter was warm so few dormant second year canes were frozen....
LEGAL NOTICENOTICE TO TAXPAYERSOF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONSNotice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Jackson County, Indiana, that the proper legal officer of Jackson County at their regular meeting place at Jackson County Courthouse Annex, at 6:00 p.m. on the 17th...
ARMY SURPLUS BROWNSTOWN, Body Armor, Boots, Knives, B.D.U. Uniforms. Special orders also. The Army Surplus Complex is for sale: 6 business units on 2.5 acres. Call 812-358-3837. 6/3BANKRUPTCY Payment plans available. 812-522-0628, Mark Risser, Attorney at Law. We are...