This is the online home of the Crothersville Times — the largest weekly newspaper in Jackson and Scott County — first online in 2000.
LEGAL NOTICEAlcohol & Tobacco CommissionLEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGThe Alcohol Beverage Board of Scott County, Indiana will hold a public hearing at 12:00 p.m. on June 24, 2020 virtually through Microsoft Teams, to investigate the propriety of holding an...
ARMY SURPLUS BROWNSTOWN, Body Armor, Boots, Knives, B.D.U. Uniforms. Special orders also. The Army Surplus Complex is for sale: 6 business units on 2.5 acres. Call 812-358-3837.BANKRUPTCY Payment plans available. 812-522-0628, Mark Risser, Attorney at Law. We are a...
Scott County Primary Election Results
Republicans and Democrats cast ballots for the candidates they preferred in contested races in Scott County on Tuesday, June 2.On the Republican side, Randy Julian was nominated for the District 1 County Commissioner seat with 686 votes over David Bruck with 546 and...
Crothersville School Referendum Fails
Crothersville Community School Corp. officials’ efforts to gain a majority of votes to support a tax increase for the operation of the school failed to gain enough yes votes. Vernon Township Voters were asked: For the eight calendar years immediately following the...
Jackson County Election Results
Voters cast ballots in the June 2, COVID-19 delayed primary election in Indiana. Jackson County election results are as follows. In the race for Jackson County District 2 Commissioner, Bob Gillaspy defeated Kenny Pfaffenberger and Dave Eggers , receiving 2,449 votes,...
Jackson, Scott Counties Had Southern Indiana’s Highest Unemployment In April
Record-setting April figures released last week by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development give the clearest picture of unemployment in the southcentral region of the state caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.During April the state’s average seasonally adjusted...