This is the online home of the Crothersville Times — the largest weekly newspaper in Jackson and Scott County — first online in 2000.
Four From Austin Charged With Dealing Drugs
Residents of a Rice Street home on the northeast side of Austin got a rude awakening last Wednesday morning, July 1, when Scott County Sheriff’s Deputies served a search warrant at 6 a.m.“The search warrant stemmed from an ongoing investigation that was conducted by...
Woman Charged With Arson; Teen Drinking Party Busted
A mobile home fire last Wednesday evening resulted in the residence’s tenant being jailed on arson and a variety of other chargesWednesday evening, July 1, Corporal Johnney Coomer and Deputies Zach Brown and Jessica Dickey responded to a mobile home fire in the 9000...
Amanda Herald Named Scott Co. Chief Deputy Prosecutor
Scott County Prosecuting Attorney Chris Owens announced that Amanda Herald has been appointed as his Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. “Mrs. Herald has been a deputy prosecutor for our office for over a decade and has shown dedication to our office and to the...
These Days Are Hard: Some Like Diamonds, Some Like Stone
by Curt Kovener We all are having those times in our lives (particularly now) when sometimes we’re the windshield and sometimes we’re the bug. Or as one of my editorial colleagues said, “I feel like a fireplug and everyone around me are dogs.”There was a story about a...
LEGAL NOTICEAlcohol & Tobacco CommissionLEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGThe Alcohol Beverage Board of Scott County will hold a public hearing at 12:00 pm on July 22, 2020 virtually through Microsoft Teams, to investigate the propriety of holding an alcoholic...
A Butterfly Flutters By
A Zebra Swallowtail butterfly dines on nectar from a butterfly weed in the southern Indiana wilderness. The adult female lays its eggs on the leaves of the Pawpaw tree usually found growing in the under-story of the forest. The caterpillars eat only the leaves of the...