This is the online home of the Crothersville Times — the largest weekly newspaper in Jackson and Scott County — first online in 2000.
Scams Targeting Utility Customers On The Rise During Pandemic
Scams targeting electric and natural gas customers are on the rise, with imposters implementing new tactics during the pandemic to trick utility customers out of money and personal information.In Indiana, Duke Energy customers have reported more than 1,400 scam...
Not The Time For Hoosiers To Relax
by Curt Kovener Festering uneasiness across the country is underscored by the growing numbers of new cases of coronavirus, especially across the sun belt and western states. Arizona, Texas, California, Florida and the Carolinas are among the new hot spots. Emerging...
BANKRUPTCY Payment plans available. 812-522-0628, Mark Risser, Attorney at Law. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. tfn911 SIGNS Make sure police, ambulance & fire department can find you. $15 includes...
Coronavirus Cancels Family Reunions
Two area family reunions traditionally held in August have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.The Peacock reunion, planned for Aug. 9, has been cancelled as has the Davis-Murphy reunion scheduled for Aug. 23.Reunion organizers said, “We want to keep everyone...
LEGAL NOTICEThe following will be sold for charges:193 N. GARDNER STSCOTTSBURGOn 07/31/2020 @ 09:00 AM2007 SUZUKIKL5JD56Z67K530019$570.002004 LINCOLN1LNHM87A34Y631767$570.002003 CHEVROLET1G1JF12F637388284$1,244.957/15 hspaxlp LEGAL NOTICELegal Notice of Public...
Crothersville Scout Overcomes Pandemic To Become An Eagle
Eagle Scout John Jones (left), of Crothersville Troop 522, completed the requirements for Scouting’s highest honor when he completed a flag retirement box at the Crothersville library. Joining Jones for the dedication were Troop leader Steve Plasse, Jackson County...