This is the online home of the Crothersville Times — the largest weekly newspaper in Jackson and Scott County — first online in 2000.
Drugs, Gun, Threats Send Two To Jail
Two out-of-county men were arrested in separate incidents on Thursday, July 1, by Scott County Deputies on a variety of charges involving threats, violence and drugs. Deputies Skylar Thompson, Johnney Coomer and Jessica Dickey responded to a report in Scottsburg of a...
Crothersville Bar Fight Sends Stabbing Victim To Hospital
A 46-year-old Crothersville man attempting to break up a fight in a bar late Saturday night, June 26, wound up hospitalized in Louisville with stab wounds to the abdomen, Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputies report.Two men were arrested in connection with the incident,...
Scott County ‘Deputy Donut’ To Raise Money For Children’s Refuge
Deputy Donut is supported by, F.O.P. President, Marvin Richey, Sheriff Jerry Goodin, Scottsburg Police Chief, Scott Zellers and Austin Police Chief, Shawn Hurt. The Scott County Sheriff's Office along with inmates of the Scott County Jail, The Concrete Lady and...
Masonic Lodge Plans Annual Motorcycle Ride
Scott Lodge #120 F&AM will hold their 3rd annual Motorcycle Ride on Saturday, July 24.Registration Begins at 10 a.m. Ride starts at NoonCost is $15 per bike and $5 per passenger. A meal is included with registration.The ride begins at Scott Lodge...
There’s A Reason It’s Called The Wilderness
by Curt Kovener In addition to the trees, plants and wildflowers, out at the wilderness retreat there are also the critters. Some are easily seen like the birds that come to the bird feeders along with the chipmunks and squirrels that feed on the sunflower seed...
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICENOTICE TO TAXPAYERSOF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONSNotice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Jackson County, Indiana, that the proper legal officer of Jackson County at their regular meeting place at Jackson County Courthouse Annex, at 6:00 p.m. on the 21st...