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This is the online home of the Crothersville Times — the largest weekly newspaper in Jackson and Scott County — first online in 2000.

JCCT Dinner Theatre Featuring Broadway Cabaret

Jackson County Community Theatre will present “Broadway Cabaret,” an evening of favorite music from popular Broadway shows, for their annual dinner theater at The Pines Evergreen Room. Dinner shows will be on Friday & Saturday, Feb. 25 & 26, and a non-dinner...

Words That Are Their Own Opposites

by Curt Kovener Mrs. Lewis was my high school English teacher who taught many lessons of which I still use today. However, in high school I did not learn about contronyms—words that are their own antonym. As we all know, the English language is confusing and...

Legal Notices

Tax Abatement Scott Co LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Austin shall hold a public hearing on a proposed annexation of property on February 8, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall,...

Crothersville Council Proceeding With Annexation

During its first meeting of the New Year, the Crothersville Town Council continued in its quest to bring five parcels of property into the town limits. The council began its efforts late last summer to annex property already receiving town services but not inside the...

Candidates Seeking Elective Office In Early Days Of Filing

Candidates for public office in this year’s election began filing for offices last Wednesday, Jan. 5. The filing deadline is noon on Friday, Feb. 4 Jackson County A Republican primary battle for Jackson County Sheriff emerged early as incumbent Sheriff Richard ‘Rick’...

New Year Brings More Drug Arrests In Scott County

Five area men who were charged with dealing drugs got a not-so-friendly reminder of Scott County Sheriff Jerry Goodin’s commitment to identify and eliminate drug dealers from their neighborhoods. The latest drug dealer identification and subsequent eradication action,...


March 2025