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State Mandated Work Means A 67% Sewer Rate Increase

Beginning the first of the new year, Crothersville sewer rates will increase by 67% to pay for an Indiana Department of Environmental Management CSO (Combined Sewer Overflow) order to treat surface water which flows to the town’s sewer systems.The rate increase will...

Traffic Stop Results In Drug Charges

On Friday, Nov. 27, Scott County Sheriff’s Deputy Johnney Coomer attempted to conduct a traffic stop in rural Scott County. The driver of the vehicle refused to stop resulting in a pursuit.“A short time later the pursuit ended and the driver and passenger were...

40 Years Of Changing & Staying The Same

by Curt Kovener The Times quietly noted an anniversary last week. In a pandemic it is not wise nor healthy to do so with a lot of public partying and fanfare.It was at this time in 1980—40 years ago—that the newspaper you are reading was inaugurated.The first week of...

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICELEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGThe Alcohol Beverage Board of Scott County, Indiana will hold a public hearing at 12:00 pm on December 23, 2020 virtually through Microsoft Teams, to investigate the propriety of holding an alcoholic beverage permit by the...


BANKRUPTCY Payment plans available. 812-522-0628, Mark Risser, Attorney at Law. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. tfnNO ONE DESERVES to be hurt! Domestic violence and sexual assault hurt women, children...

Scott Deputies Make Arrests

Nearly $6,000, Meth, Pills, Needles & Drug Paraphernalia Seized In a pre-Thanksgiving round-up last Tuesday, Nov. 24, deputies with the Scott County Sheriff’s Office descended on two different locations in Scottsburg following up on drug activity tips.The...

Scott County Sheriff In Quarantine

It was announced last Monday, Nov. 23, that Sheriff Jerry Goodin has tested positive for Covid-19. As a result of the positive test Sheriff Goodin will not be in, around or at the Jail or his office until the quarantine ends next Monday, Dec. 7.All calls for Sheriff...

Tri-County Conservation Club Frying Fish Saturday

The Tri-County Conservation Club will hold a Fish Fry & Chili Supper this Saturday, Dec. 5, with serving from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Santa will be on hand for those youngsters wanting to give him their wish list.This will be a Drive Thru serving. You will drive up to...

Drop The ‘Me First’ Attitude And Help Fight COVID-19

by Curt Kovener Despite what some have predicted, COVID-19 hasn’t gone away with summer or fall or the general election. In fact, it’s only gotten worse and now holds Indiana and Jackson and Scott County in its ever-tightening and potentially deadly grasp. We were...

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICEVOUCHER TO BE PRESENTED TO SCOTT COUNTY COMMISSIONERSCourt Claim to be approved 12/11/2020Auditor of Jennings County, 2,691.77; The Office Shop, 137.41.12/2/ hspaxlp LEGAL NOTICENOTICE OF UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATIONCause No.: 36C01-2011-EU-000093In the...