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There’s A Reason It’s Called The Wilderness

by Curt Kovener In addition to the trees, plants and wildflowers, out at the wilderness retreat there are also the critters. Some are easily seen like the birds that come to the bird feeders along with the chipmunks and squirrels that feed on the sunflower seed...

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICENOTICE TO TAXPAYERSOF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONSNotice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Jackson County, Indiana, that the proper legal officer of Jackson County at their regular meeting place at Jackson County Courthouse Annex, at 6:00 p.m. on the 21st...

14 Arrested For Meth, Heroin, Controlled Substances

In a coordinated effort last Thursday night Scott County Sheriff’s Deputies served two search warrants that resulted in 14 going to jail on drug related charges involving methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana, and controlled substances.“The search warrants were a result...

Man Apprehended After Stealing Truck West Of Crothersville

An alert neighbor notifying authorities led to the arrest of a 32-year-old English for vehicle theft last Thursday morning.According to Sheriff Rick Meyer, his department received a report of a suspicious man walking up a driveway west of Crothersville. As Meyer and...

Jackson, Scott County Unemployment Declines

In May 2020 both Jackson and Scott Counties had over 17% unemployment due to COVID-19 shutdowns and restrictions.The May 2021 numbers show employment bouncing back as local manufacturers, retailers and service providers rebound, according to the Indiana Department of...

Thoughts On Freedom & Liberty

by Curt Kovener On Sunday, we celebrate the 245th birthday of the signing of the American Declaration of Independence. Contemplate on these famous quotes about liberty, both political and economic as I am convinced much can be learned from remembering past lessons on...

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICESNOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONSNotice is hereby given the taxpayers of Scott County, Indiana that the County Council of Scott County, in the Commissioners Room, Suite 128 1 E. McClain Ave, Scottsburg, IN at 9:30 am on the 13th day of...

Austin Fireworks Display & Celebration Friday, July 2

The Austin Fireworks display on the grounds of Austin High School/Middle School has been set for on Friday night, July 2. The event is traditionally held the Friday before July 4th, giving families and friends a chance to celebrate Independence Day a little...

Southern Indiana Residents Asked To Test Internet Speed

Take the test: Indiana Farm Bureau has announced the formation of the Indiana Broadband Strategic Partnership (IBSP) to help bring reliable broadband to the most unserved and underserved communities across the state. To help with this...