On October 4 the 8th Annual Creative Arts Contest and Exhibition was held at Fair Oaks Mall in Columbus. Entries were open to those who are at least 50 years old and whose primary source of income was not from the type of art that was entered. Residents representing the Crothersville Senior Center won in several categories.
In Heritage Arts, Joyce Harmon was 1st in Quilting, Mary K. Rose was 2nd in Quilting, Roger Rose was 1st in Wood Turning, Joyce Harmon was 2nd in Wood Carving. Joyce Harmon won The People’s Choice Award for her carved Mallard Duck Cane in Heritage Arts.
In the Visual Arts Category, Sue Walther was 1st in Photography, Kenny Deaton was 2nd in Mixed Media, Joyce Harmon and Sue Walther tied for 3rd in Mixed Media. Sue Walther won The People’s Choice Award for her photography entry, “Sea Oats”.
All items will remain on display at Fair Oaks Mall for the entire month of October.