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Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Jackson County, Indiana, that the proper legal officer of Jackson County at their regular meeting place at Jackson County Courthouse Annex, at 8:00 a.m. on the 18th day of September, 2019, will consider the following appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year.
County General Fund
Personal Services 10,000
Other Services & Charges 18.304
Total County General Fund 28,304
Cumulative Bridge Fund
Other Services & Charges 116,691
Total Cumulative Bridge Fund 116,691
County Cum Capital Development Fund
Capital Outlays 24,000
Total County Cum Capital Development Fund 24,000
Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard. The additional appropriations as finally made will be referred to the Department of local Government Finance (DLGF). The DLGF will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriations made within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a Certified Copy of the action taken.
Dated: September 4, 2019
Kathy S. Hohenstreiter
Fiscal Officer
9/4 hspaxlp

Legal Notice of Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that the Scott County Drainage Board will hold a Public hearing at the Scott County Courthouse, Commissionerā€™s Room, at 1 E. McClain Avenue, Scottsburg, IN on Monday, September 16, 2019 at 1:00 p.m., at which time all interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard in reference to the matters set out in the ā€œDescription of Action Requestedā€ below:
Application No: 2019-001- Dollar General/Rafferty New Construction.
Description of Action Requested: Drainage Plan approval for Development Site located at site commonly known as 8014 East Main Street, Lexington, IN 46138.
Description of Property Affected: of Lexington Original, Lot #51, Lot #58, Part Lot #52, and Part Lot #57.
The petition (application) and file on this matter are available for public inspection during the regular working hours at the Scott County Courthouse, 1 E. McClain Avenue, Suite 130, Scottsburg, IN until two days prior to the hearing date.
Mark Gardner
Scott County Surveyor
9/4 hspaxlp

In order to assure compliance with the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) and related requirements regarding competitive negotiation of professional services, the Town of Crothersville is seeking Requests for Statements of Qualifications for the provision of engineering services relating to a combined sewer overflow compliance project. This project will be supported in part or in whole by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds through a grant funded by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs in addition to funding from either Indiana Finance Authorityā€™s State Revolving Fund or USDA-Rural Developmentā€™s Water and Environmental Program
Description of Project/Scope of Services
The proposed Crothersville project includes the implementation of the proposed alternative or selected project from the Preliminary Engineering Report of the Combined Sewer Compliance Plan for the Town of Crothersville and is to include required project design services from schematic design to final design, bidding services, construction administration, construction inspection, and assisting with or completion of applications to funding agencies.
The selected project will include the following components:
ā€¢Install new Detention Piping System.
ā€¢Install new wet weather pumping station, hydrodynamic separator and force main to existing surge basins.
ā€¢Install new disinfection facilities including chlorination & de-chlorination systems.
ā€¢Modify existing plant Surge Basins with concrete wall cores, and discharge piping.
ā€¢Construct new outfall structure into Hominy Ditch.
ā€¢Install new effluent meter and automatic composite sampler in surge basin #4.
ā€¢Modify existing Master SCADA Unit in the existing plant process control building.
ā€¢Provide new 3 phase, 277/480 V primary service for wet weather lift station.
ā€¢Convert a portion of the existing equipment storage building into a new department office to serve as the control room to house the electrical controls for the wet weather station control panel and VFDā€™s for the wet weather pump station. 
ā€¢Install ā€œHDā€ main trunk line over flow line to WWTP. Plug Overflow connections until work at the WWTP is complete and ready to accept wet weather flows. The 2,000 feet of gravity overflow main will include manhole overflows and will be parallel to the existing gravity main along Hominy Ditch.
ā€¢Test WWTP wet weather treatment and pumping systems.
ā€¢Unplug the new HD overflow main and place new systems on line.
ā€¢Conduct Post-Construction Monitoring of Wet Weather operations.
Type of Contract
The town will execute a cost reimbursement type of contract for these services that is contingent on the final commitment of grant and loan funding. All services will be stated on the cost reimbursement basis (hourly rate and maximum hours fixed.) The awarded contract will have a not to exceed clause that will limit the allowable fees charged in connection with these services through close out.
Federal Requirements
Prospective offerors should note the successful proposer must meet the following terms and conditions:
1 24 CFR Part 85.36.
2 Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
3 Conflict of Interest (24 CFR Part 570).
4 Access to records.
5 Executive Order 11246 – Equal Employment Opportunity.
6 Executive Order 12138 – Women Business Enterprise Policy.
7 Architectural Barrier Act of 1968.
8 Age Discrimination Act of 1975.
9 Section 3 Clause – Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968.
10 Section 504 – Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
11 Retention and Custodial Requirements (24 CFR Part 85.42).
12 Executive Order 11063.
13 Affirmative Action Program / Plan.
14 Davis Bacon and Related Acts.
Grant Support has a 10% MBE/WBE goal for all projects funded with Community Development Block Grant Funds.
Requirements for Statement of Qualifications
The proposal must include sufficient information regarding qualifications and determine that the respondent is qualified and has relevant experience. Do not include a proposed fee as this is a qualification based selection process. The statement of qualifications should include the following:
1 A description of expertise, experience and resources directly relevant and available for the proposed project.
2 A list of similar projects previously completed.
3 A list of references.
4 Resumes of professional staff members that will work on this project.
5 Name of person to be in charge of project.
6 Description of scope of services as per ā€œDescription of Project/Scope of Servicesā€.
7 A project time line.
The statement of qualifications shall also provide the following information: name, title, address and telephone number of individuals with authority to negotiate and bind the proposer contractually, and who may be contacted during the period of evaluation.
Evaluation Criteria

  1. Specialized experience or technical expertise of the organization and its personnel in connection with the scope of services to be provided and complexity of the project (30 pts).
  2. Capacity of the organization to perform the work within time limitations, taking into consideration the current planned workload of the firm (30 pts).
  3. Past record of performance on contracts, including quality of work, timeliness and cost control (25 pts).
  4. Familiarity of the organization with this type of project or problems applicable to the project (15 pts).
    If you are interested in providing the required services, please submit four (4) copies of the Statement of Qualification to the Town of Crothersville, Clerk Treasurerā€™s Office, 111 E. Howard St., Crothersville, Indiana 47229 no later than 12:00 p.m. (Noon) local time on October 1, 2019. Each Statement of Qualification will be reviewed for completeness and clarity according to the above criteria. Interviews are expected to be held in October.
    The Town may or may not negotiate the fee schedule with one or more offers. The Town reserves the right to reject any and/ or all responses. The Town is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Offerors may desire additional information, a site visit or clarification regarding the Statement of Qualification. If so, please contact Trena Carter, grant manager at Administrative Resources association, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. local time at (812) 376-9949.
    9/4 hspaxlp

SSK Communities, Rosewood Pointe
will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 9th day of September 2019 at 9:30 am at 1231 Birchtree ln. Scottsburg, Indiana 47170 the property commonly known as:
Mobile Home ONLY, 1998 Liberty
LOCATED AT 550 Rosewalk dr. lot #3 Scottsburg, IN 47170.
This Mobile Home will be offer for sale at public auction in conformity with IC26-1-7-210 AND IC26-1-2-328 Sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws.
8/28, 9/4 hspaxlp

SSK Communities, Amberly Pointe
will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 10th day of September 2019 at 9:30 am at 1231 Birchtree ln. Scottsburg, Indiana 47170 the property commonly known as:
Mobile Home ONLY, 1998 Fleetwood REFLECTION
VIN: TNFLW26A81652,
This Mobile Home will be offer for sale at public auction in conformity with IC26-1-7-210 AND IC26-1-2-328 Sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws.
8/28, 9/4 hspaxlp

SSK Communities, Beechwood Pointe
will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 9th day of September 2019 at 9:30 am at 1231 Birchtree ln. Scottsburg, Indiana 47170.
Mobile Home ONLY, 2003 Dutch
Vin # NTA1215616,
LOCATED AT 1301 West York Rd. # 16 Austin IN 47102.
This Mobile Home will be offer for sale at public auction in conformity with IC26-1-7-210 AND IC26-1-2-328 Sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws.
8/28, 9/4 hspaxlp

SSK Communities, Beechwood Pointe
will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 9th day of September 2019 at 9:30 a.m. at 1231 Birchtree ln. Scottsburg, Indiana 47170 the property commonly known as:
Mobile Home ONLY, 1999 Clayton
VIN: CLA045300TN,
LOCATED AT 1301 West York Rd. #3 Austin IN 47102.
This Mobile Home will be offer for sale at public auction in conformity with IC26-1-7-210 AND IC26-1-2-328 Sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws.
8/28, 9/4 hspaxlp

Notice of Request for Qualifications for Design-Build Contract for Jackson County Work Release Center Project
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Indiana (the ā€œCommissionersā€), on behalf of Jackson County, Indiana (the ā€œCountyā€), requests any design-builder (as defined in Indiana Code Section 5-30-1-4, as amended) which is interested in being considered by the County as the design-builder with respect to the Jackson County Work Release Center Project (the ā€œProjectā€), as defined and described in more detail in the Request for Qualifications for Design-Build Contract, dated as of August 28, 2019 (the ā€œRFQā€), to submit Verified Statements of Qualifications for the Project (each, a ā€œRespondentā€).
Verified Statements of Qualifications shall be received by the County until 1:00 PM, applicable Eastern Time on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at the Office of the Jackson County Auditor, which is located at 111 South Main Street, Brownstown, Indiana 47220, Attention: Kathy S. Hohenstreiter. Any response which Ms. Hohenstreiter in her sole and complete discretion believes to be received after this deadline may be returned to the Respondent without consideration by the County. If responses are mailed, the post office becomes the agent of the Respondent and not that of the County. DO NOT FAX RESPONSES OR SEND RESPONSES BY ELECTRONIC MAIL. FACSIMILE RESPONSES OR RESPONSES RECEIVED VIA EMAIL ARE NOT ACCEPTED AND WILL BE RETURNED TO THE RESPONDENT WITHOUT CONSIDERATION BY THE COUNTY.
Each response to the RFQ that the County and the 2019 Jackson County Work Release Center Design-Build Technical Review Committee (the ā€œTRCā€) will determine to be a qualified response must be in accordance with the RFQ, all of which is incorporated herein by reference, and all of the provisions of Indiana Code 5-30, as amended and as applicable to the RFQ process. Each response to the RFQ must also be submitted by a person or entity satisfying the definition of a design-builder or team as defined in Indiana Code 5-30-1, as amended (each, a ā€œDesign-Builderā€).
To obtain a copy of the RFQ or any other available additional information regarding the Project or to ask any questions regarding the RFQ or the Project, please contact the design criteria developer for the Project (the ā€œDesign Criteria Developerā€), whose contact information is as follows:
Mark Beebe AIA
220 North College
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 750-5373
The RFQ contains, but is not limited to, the following:
1) A description of the Project, including the size and function of the facilities that are the subject of the Project, the maximum budget and the anticipated schedule;
A description of the source selection process, including:
The process for communications between the Respondents and the County, including, but not limited to, communications with the TRC and any agent of either the County or the TRC;
The schedule for the source selection process;
The TRC evaluation procedure; and
A description of submission requirements;
The general qualifications for the Respondent, including;
Appropriate experience with similar projects;
Team experience with design-build delivery;
Organizational resources and depth of the Respondent;
The licensing requirements for the Respondent selected by the County for the Project;
The insurance requirements for the Respondent selected by the County for the Project;
The financial strength and bonding capacity of the Respondent selected by the County for the Project;
The Respondentā€™s history of contracting with or hiring minority business enterprises and womenā€™s business enterprises; and
The Respondentā€™s litigation and disputes history.
The Project specific qualifications for the Respondent, including;
The Respondentā€™s experience with the facilities or building types that is the subject of the Project;
The Respondentā€™s performance record, including quality, schedule and cost of each project;
The Respondentā€™s proposed team composition, including the teamā€™s past experience working together;
The Respondentā€™s current capacity to manage the Project;
The Respondentā€™s proposed key project personnel; and
The Respondentā€™s client and project references.
A description of the TRCā€™s Qualifications Statement evaluation process, which includes;
An established rating system that complies with Indiana Code Section 5-30-5-4, as amended, and Indiana Code Section 5-30-5-5, as amended; and
The process that the Owner will conduct with Respondents with respect to submission of a Verified Statement of Qualifications in response to the RFQ.
All of the information set forth in the RFQ as described in clauses (1) through and including (5) above are incorporated into this notice by reference. In addition to the foregoing information, a qualified response submitted by Respondents must include all of the information required by Indiana Code Section 5-30-5-3, as amended.
No Pre-Submittal Conference is scheduled for the Qualifications Phase of this Project.
Unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Design Criteria Developer, as of the date of this Notice, all communication between any Respondent and the County), any member of the Board of Commissioners of the County (each, a ā€œCommissionerā€ and collectively, the ā€œCommissionersā€), any member of the Council of the County, any other elected or appointed official of the County, the TRC or any of the TRC members, any employees of the County or any agents or representatives of the County, the Commissioners, the TRC or the Council of the County shall be conducted through only the Design Criteria Developer. Any Respondent who otherwise contacts any employee, agent or elected or appointed official of the County or any member of the TRC between the date of this RFQ and the award of the Design-Build Contract (as defined in the RFQ) is subject to disqualification at the sole and complete discretion of the County
All responses to the RFQ received by the date and time set forth above, which shall be determined solely by the County in its sole and complete discretion, will initially be reviewed by the Design Criteria Developer for compliance with the RFQ. The TRC will shortlist to no more than three (3) most highly qualified Design-Builders, who will be invited to submit Design-Build Proposals at a later date. The County intends to award a single Design-Build Contract for the Project on the basis of Best Value as set forth in Indiana Code Section 5-30-7-6, as amended.
Each of the County and the TRC reserves the right to reject for any reason and for no reason at all any and all responses received to the RFQ and to be the sole judges of the value and merit of the responses offered. The County reserves the right to terminate for any reason and for no reason at all the Project prior to executing the Design-Build Contract. If such termination occurs, the County shall not be liable for any costs incurred by any of the Respondents with respect to any response to this RFQ or any submission of a Design-Build Proposal.
Dated: August 28, 2019
Board of Commissioners of Jackson County, Indiana
8/28, 9/4 hspaxlp

Cause No. 36C01-1908-EU-000055
In the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Indiana.
Notice is hereby given that Matthew R. Butler was, on the 19th day of August, 2019, appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Michael D. Butler, deceased, who died on the 18th day of June, 2019, and authorized to administer such estate without Court supervision.
All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the Office of the Clerk of this Court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred.
Dated at Brownstown, Indiana, this 19th day of August, 2019.
Attorney for Estate
Travis J. Thompson, #22549-49
113 East Second Street
P. O. Box 644
Seymour, Indiana 47274
Telephone: (812) 522-6949
8/28, 9/4 hspaxlp

CAUSE NO.: 72D01-1908-DN-118
Melissa Jean Hamilton
Billy Dean Hamilton,
TO: Billy Dean Hamilton
Whereabouts Unknown
To the above person named as the Respondent and any other person who may be concerned.
You are hereby notified that there has been filed in the Scott Superior Court a Verified Petition for Dissolution of Marriage by the person named as Petitioner. This notice by publication is specifically directed to the following named individual, Billy Dean Hamilton, whose whereabouts are unknown.
If you have a claim for relief against this petitioner arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer.
You are further notified that you have thirty (30) days from the date of the publication of this notice in which to respond to the Petition filed on August 19, 2019 in the Scott Superior Court, Scott County, Indiana, and, in the event of your failure to do so, judgment by default may be taken against you for the relief requested in the Petition for Dissolution.
In the event you fail to appear for said hearing, judgment by default may be taken against you for the relief requested in the Petition.
Dated: August 19, 2019
SS/Missy Applegate
Clerk, Scott Superior Court
Melissa Jean Hamilton
8/28, 9/4, 9/11 hspaxlp

Sheriff’s file No.: 72-19-0037-SS
Date & Time of Sale: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 2:00 pm
Location of Sale: Scott County 911 Center
Judgment to be satisfied: $63,300.32
Cause Number: 72D01-1803-MF-000013
By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me, directed from the Clerk of Superior/Circuit Court of Scott County Indiana, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said DECREE, with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder at the date, time and location listed above, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate, a certain tract or parcel of land described as follows:
A part of the southwest fourth of the southeast quarter of section 36 township 4 north of range 6 east, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section 36, township 4 north of range 6 east and running thence east with the section line 627 feet to a railroad spike in the west right of way line of the Penn Central Railroad, thence north 25 degrees and 53 minutes west with said railroad line 447 feet to a steel pipe and The True Place of Beginning of this description, thence south 68 degrees and 31 minutes west 119.9 feet to a steel pipe in the east line of public Road, thence north 26 degrees and 07 minutes west with said road line 114 feet to a steel pipe, thence north 64 degrees and 30 minutes east parallel with the south line of the John Trulock South Addition to the town of Austin, Indiana, a distance of 120 feet to a steel pipe in the west right of way line of the Penn Central Railroad, thence South 25 degrees and 53 minutes east with said railroad line 122.4 feet to the true point of beginning, containing 3/10 of an acre, more or less (TRACT F), Which real property includes a former manufactured home which has become affixed and/or attached to the real property and is now an improvement thereon, and title to which passes with the real property.
Together with rents, issues, income and profits thereof, this sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. In accordance to the requirements of IC 32-29-7-3, this Notice shall also represent service of Notice of Sale of this real estate upon the owners.
Jerry Goodin
Sheriff of Scott County
Township: Jennings
Parcel No.: 72-03-36-430-036.001-003
462 PLUM ST, AUSTIN IN 47102
The Sheriff’s Department does not warrant the accuracy of the commonly known address published herein.
Barry T Barnes, Plaintiff’s Attorney
Feiwell & Hannoy PC, Attorney Law Firm
8/21, 8/28, 9/4 hspaxlp

Sheriff’s file No.: 72-19-0038-SS
Date & Time of Sale: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 2:00 pm
Location of Sale: Scott County 911 Center
Judgment to be satisfied: $36,057.62
Cause Number: 72D01-1904-MF-000013
By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me, directed from the Clerk of Superior/Circuit Court of Scott County Indiana, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said DECREE, with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder at the date, time and location listed above, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate, a certain tract or parcel of land described as follows:
Together with rents, issues, income and profits thereof, this sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. In accordance to the requirements of IC 32-29-7-3, this Notice shall also represent service of Notice of Sale of this real estate upon the owners.
Jerry Goodin
Sheriff of Scott County
Township: Jennings
Parcel No.: 72-03-36-340-037.000-003
205 S 1ST ST, AUSTIN IN 47102
The Sheriff’s Department does not warrant the accuracy of the commonly known address published herein.
Matthew S Love, Plaintiff’s Attorney
Attorney No. 18762-29
Feiwell & Hannoy PC, Attorney Law Firm
8/21, 8/28, 9/4 hspaxlp

Sheriff’s file No.: 72-19-0039-SS
Date & Time of Sale: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 2:00 pm
Location of Sale: Scott County 911 Center
Judgment to be satisfied: $57,873.59
Cause Number: 72D01-1905-MF-000017
Plaintiff: FIRSTBANK
By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me, directed from the Clerk of Superior/Circuit Court of Scott County Indiana, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said DECREE, with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder at the date, time and location listed above, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate, a certain tract or parcel of land described as follows:
Together with rents, issues, income and profits thereof, this sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. In accordance to the requirements of IC 32-29-7-3, this Notice shall also represent service of Notice of Sale of this real estate upon the owners.
Jerry Goodin
Sheriff of Scott County
Township: Jennings
Parcel No.: 72-05-08-420-035.000-002
The Sheriff’s Department does not warrant the accuracy of the commonly known address published herein.
Joshua Stigdon, Plaintiff’s Attorney
Attorney No. 29501-72
Houston, Thompson and Lewis, PC, Attorney Law Firm
8/21, 8/28, 9/4 hspaxlp

Sheriff’s file No.: 72-19-0040-SS
Date & Time of Sale: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 2:00 pm
Location of Sale: Scott County 911 Center
Judgment to be satisfied: $24,567.16
Cause Number: 72D01-1708-MF-000039
By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me, directed from the Clerk of Superior/Circuit Court of Scott County Indiana, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said DECREE, with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder at the date, time and location listed above, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate, a certain tract or parcel of land described as follows:
Description of a tract of land of 2.137 acres, a part of the East half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 3 North, Range 7 East, Lexington Township, Scott County, Indiana, West of Goshen Road and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the corner-in-common to Tracts 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Zent Farm Division, Chris McGehee, owner, as recorded in Inst. #2006121 of the Scott County Recorder’s Office, thence North Od 50M 33S West, with the line dividing Tract 5 and Tract 6, for a distance of 387.92 Feet to a set 5/8 inch diameter iron pin and cap #50269; thence North 89D 09M 25S East, along the south line of Tract 3 of the Zent Partition Map Inst. #2006106, for a distance of 240.00 Feet to a set iron pin and cap; thence South OD 50M 33S East, with the line dividing Tract 6 and Tract 7, for a distance of 387.92 Feet to a set PK nail on the centerline of a 50.00 Feet wide Easement Right-Of-Way; thence South 89D 09M 27S West, along the centerline of the easement road, 240.00 Feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 2.137 Acres and subject to all easements of record and apparent. Subject also to a 50.00 Feet Building Line and Utility Easement running 50.00 Feet from and parallel with the road frontage lot line increasing to 75.00 Feet along the arc of the radius from the center of the Cul-De-Sac and a 15.00 Feet Utility Easement running 15.00 Feet from and parallel with the remaining interior lot lines.
Together with rents, issues, income and profits thereof, this sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. In accordance to the requirements of IC 32-29-7-3, this Notice shall also represent service of Notice of Sale of this real estate upon the owners.
Jerry Goodin
Sheriff of Scott County
Township: Lexington
Parcel No.: 72-05-26-500-001.012-005
The Sheriff’s Department does not warrant the accuracy of the commonly known address published herein.
Cary J. Hurst, Plaintiff’s Attorney
Attorney No. 20176-22
Lorch Naville Ward LLC, Attorney Law Firm
8/21, 8/28, 9/4 hspaxlp

State of Indiana
County of Scott
In the Scott County Superior Court
Cause No.: 7201-1908-PL-040
U.S. Bank National Association
Vickey Lynn Gross
The State of Indiana to the Defendants above-named, and any other person who may be concerned:
You are notified that you have been sued in the Court above named.
The nature of the suit against you is: Foreclosure of mortgage and termination of your interest, if any, in the real property located at:
1230 Wade Street, Austin, IN 47102
and to the following Defendants whose whereabouts are unknown:
Vickey Lynn Gross, and all other persons claiming any right, title, or interest in the within described real estate by, through or under them or any other person or entity, the names of all whom are unknown to the Plaintiff.
In addition to the above named Defendants being served by this summons there may be other Defendants who have an interest in this lawsuit.
If you have a claim for relief against the Plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer.
You must answer the Complaint in writing, by you or your attorney, within thirty (30) days commencing the day after final publication of this notice, and if you fail to do so a judgment will be entered against you for what the Plaintiff has demanded.
Respectfully submitted,
David M. Bengs, #16646-20
Jennifer L. Snook, #30140-45
Attorney for Plaintiff
455 West Lincolnway, Ste. B
Valparaiso, IN 46385
Telephone: (219) 386-4700
NOTICE: Marinosci Law Group, P.C., is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
Missy Applegate
Clerk, Scott County Superior Court
9/4, 9/11, 9/18 hspaxlp

Jackson County Indiana
Beginning 10:00 AM, 10/29/2019
Courthouse – 2nd Floor Courtroom Local Time
Jackson County
Pursuant to the laws of the Indiana General Assembly, notice is hereby given that the following described property is listed for sale for delinquent taxes and/or special assessments. The county auditor and county treasurer will apply on or after 10/11/2019 for a court judgment against the tracts or real property for an amount that is not less than the amount set out below and for an order to sell the tracts or real property at public auction to the highest bidder, subject to the right of redemption. Any defense to the application for judgment must be filed with the Jackson County Circuit Court and served on the county auditor and treasurer before 10/11/2019. The court will set a date for a hearing at least seven (7) days before the advertised date of sale and the court will determine any defenses to the application for judgment at the hearing. The county auditor and the county treasurer are entitled to receive all pleadings, motions, petitions, and other filings related to the defense to the application for judgment.
Such sale will be held on 10/29/2019 at the Courthouse – 2nd Floor Courtroom and that sale will continue until all tracts and real property have been offered for sale.
Property will not be sold for an amount which is less than the sum of:
(A) the delinquent taxes and special assessments on each tract or item of real property; and
(B) the taxes and special assessments on the real property that are due and payable in the year of the sale, whether or not they are delinquent; and
(C) all penalties due on the delinquencies, and
(D) an amount prescribed by the county auditor that equals the sum of:
(1) twenty-five dollars ($25) for postage and publication costs; and
(2) any other costs incurred by the county that are directly attributable to the tax sale; and
(E) any unpaid costs due under IC 6-1.1-24-2(c) from a prior tax sale.
No property listed below shall be sold if, at any time before the sale, the Total Amount for Judgment is paid in full. If the real property is sold in the tax sale, the amount required to redeem such property will be 110% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed not more than six (6) months after the date of sale, or 115% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed more than six (6) months after the date of sale, plus the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the real property plus five percent (5%) per annum interest on the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the property. All taxes and special assessments upon the property paid by the purchaser subsequent to the sale, plus five percent (5%) per annum interest on those taxes and special assessments, will also be required to be paid to redeem such property.
In addition, IC 6-1.1-25-2 (e) states the total amount required for redemption may include the following costs incurred and paid by the purchaser or the purchaser’s assignee or the county before redemption: (1) The attorney’s fees and cost of giving notice under IC 6-1.1-25-4.5; (2) The costs of title search or examining and update the abstract of title for the tract or item of real property. The period of redemption shall expire on Thursday, October 29, 2020 for certificates sold in the tax sale. For certificates struck to the county, the period of redemption may expire Wednesday, February 26, 2020.
If the tract or item of real property is sold for an amount more than the minimum bid and the property is not redeemed, the owner of record of the property who is divested of ownership at the time the tax deed is issued may have a right to the tax sale surplus.
The Auditor and Treasurer specifically reserve the right to withhold from the sale any parcel which has been listed in error, or which otherwise becomes ineligible for sale either prior to 10/29/2019 or during the duration of the sale.
This notice of real property tax sale, and the tax sale itself are undertaken and will be conducted pursuant to the requirements of the laws of the State of Indiana which regulate the sale of land for delinquent taxes, pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-24-1 et seq.
The County does not warrant the accuracy of the street address or common description of the property, and a misstatement in the key number or street address does not invalidate an otherwise valid sale.
Minimum bid amounts are prescribed by law and are subject to change prior to the auction date.
Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-24-3(e), property descriptions may be omitted for properties appearing on the certified list in consecutive years. A complete property list may be obtained at or in an alternative form upon request.
Dated: 09/04/2019
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Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-24-5.1 a business entity that seeks to register to bid at the Jackson County Tax Sale must provide a certificate of good standing or proof of registration in accordance with IC 5-23 from the Secretary of State to the Jackson County Treasurer.
361900001 36-54-14-300-021.002-001 $694.18 Shelton, David C & Belinda PT W 14-5-4 .266A A QCD WAS DONE ON 11/14/12 INS # 201208018 673 S Co Rd 100 W Brownstown 47220
361900002 36-64-19-100-032.001-001 $1,104.18 Cox, Cherie Mae PT SW NE 19-6-4 1A 4508 N State Rd 135 Freetown 47235
361900003 36-64-19-300-026.000-001 $745.07 Jones, Terry PT E1/2 SW 19-6-4 1.50A 4047 N Co Rd 460 W Freetown 47235
361900005 36-64-29-300-033.004-001 $297.14 Harrison, Chaz PT SE SW 29-6-4 .408A 3000 N Block Co Rd 360 W Freetown 47235
361900006 36-64-30-200-013.000-001 $2,996.39 McElfresh, Gerald J N PT NW 30-6-4 4A 3934 N Co Rd 460 W Freetown 47235
361900007 36-54-11-200-003.000-002 $1,838.47 Fariss, Daniel PT NW 11-5-4 1.48AC 515 N Ewing St Brownstown 47220
361900008 36-54-11-200-004.000-002 $461.82 Fariss, Daniel PT NW 11-5-4 1A 500 N Block Ewing St Brownstown 47220
361900009 36-54-11-304-047.000-002 $2,452.40 Hess, Debbie BTOWN IMP CO S1/2 44 121 S Clark St Brownstown 47220
361900010 36-54-11-304-066.000-002 $5,209.91 Niewedde, Tammie L BTOWN IMP CO 35 BTOWN IMP CO PT LOT 36 816 W Tanner St Brownstown 47220
361900011 36-54-11-440-019.000-002 $1,155.68 Christopher, James L Jr & Pamela Sue KELLERS 10 404 W Bridge St Brownstown 47220
361900013 36-54-14-313-007.000-002 $1,115.00 Crider Construction LLC LUCAS/ACKERMAN 54–3 900 S Block Main St Brownstown 47220
361900015 36-42-13-400-015.000-003 $2,516.36 Kessner, Mark Allen & Amber Nicole Hackney jt/rs PT SE 13-4-2 1.10A 6894 S Co Rd 1100 W Medora 47260
361900016 36-43-04-200-011.000-003 $167.20 Moore, Floyd PT NW NW 4-4-3 3A 4000 S Block Co Rd 925 W Medora 47260
361900017 36-43-04-300-020.004-003 $1,619.74 Riley, Tony Douglas Jr PT SW 4-4-3 1A. 4897 S Co Rd 825 W Medora 47260
361900018 36-43-08-800-008.000-003 $2,993.20 Myers, Michael K PT SE 8-4-3 23.665A. 5478 S Co Rd 925 W Medora 47260
361900021 36-52-23-100-002.001-003 $1,012.87 Lane, Tracy & Marvina W1/2 NE 23-5-2 17.69A. (CHANGED PER SURVEY WITH DEED TO STRIEGEL INS # 200305490 & WITH FIXING QCD TO HOLMES 200305309 & WITH GRANT OF EASEMENT (WATER) 200305491) RELEASE OF CONTRACT INS # 201206141 ON 08/28/12 1087 S Co Rd 1250 W Norman 47264
361900022 36-52-24-400-014.000-003 $341.90 Staggs Properties, LLC PT SE 24-5-2 25A 10000 W Block Co Rd 250 S Medora 47260
361900023 36-52-25-100-001.000-003 $812.30 Staggs Properties, LLC PT NE 25-5-2 24.04A 10900 W Co Rd 250 S Medora 47260
361900024 36-52-25-100-001.001-003 $2,010.88 Staggs Properties, LLC PT N1/2 NE 25-5-2 .96A. 10908 W Co Rd 250 S Medora 47260
361900025 36-52-25-200-007.002-003 $302.19 Hessig, Michael A PT NW 25-5-2 .88A. 11000 W Block Co Rd 250 S Medora 47260
361900026 36-52-36-400-008.001-003 $352.22 George, Jennifer NE SE R/W 36-5-2 1AC 3393 S Co Rd 1125 W Medora 47260
361900028 36-53-23-200-020.007-003 $894.03 Edwards, Roy D PT NW 23-5-3 2.34 A 1260 S Co Rd 740 W Medora 47260
361900030 36-53-29-300-009.001-003 $2,611.30 Brewster, Martin A W1/2 SW 29-5-3 1A 9986 W Co Rd 300 S Medora 47260
361900032 36-53-30-200-007.007-003 $1,505.73 Cowles, Casey L PT NW 30-5-3 5A. 10000 W Block Co Rd 250 S Medora 47260
361900034 36-53-33-100-003.002-003 $745.18 Saunders, Patricia A PT NE 33-5-3 1.28A. 8100 W Co Rd 350 S Medora 47260
361900036 36-53-34-102-006.000-004 $471.93 Hanner, Steve GREENLAWN 65′ LOT 20 1/2 LOT 19 115 & 125 W 3rd St Medora 47260
361900037 36-53-34-103-016.001-004 $372.50 Beesley, Chad McMillan 19–2 100 N Block Elm St Medora 47260
361900038 36-53-34-103-017.000-004 $808.47 Beesley, Chad A & Kristina K MCMILLAN 17,18 148 N Elm St Medora 47260
361900039 36-53-34-104-001.000-004 $2,459.51 Isaacs, Jo-ann ZOLLMAN ADD 31–4, 32–4 176 & 200 Mill St Medora 47260
361900040 36-53-34-104-016.000-004 $354.50 Baird, Penny A 34.04-5-3 ZOLLMAN PT 22-3 100 Block David St Medora 47260
361900041 36-53-34-401-010.000-004 $602.90 Bowman, Patricia A & Gary L 34.05-5-3 LOT 70-I 109 E Riley St Medora 47260
361900042 36-53-34-401-052.000-004 $770.72 Miller, Tess Lynnette 66–G 71 1/2′ N END E SIDE 6 114 S David St Medora 47260
361900043 36-53-34-401-057.000-004 $266.74 Johnson, Fredrick S Contract To Jamie & Aimee Caudill 139–L 46 E Washington St Medora 47260
361900044 36-53-34-401-096.000-004 $423.16 Farmer, James David & Elizabeth Ann WRIGHT 167–U 173 S Mill St Medora 47260
361900045 36-53-34-402-007.000-004 $692.86 Turner, M Lynn 110–V 140 W Scott St Medora 47260
361900046 36-53-34-402-008.000-004 $771.07 Antoine, Kendra J 34.06-5-3 LOT 108V & PT LOT 109 169 W Scott St Medora 47260
361900047 36-53-34-402-018.000-004 $502.51 Hess, Deborah A 10′ E SIDE LOT 207, 25′ W SIDE 208 25′ W SIDE LOT 209-W 158 W Scott St Medora 47260
361900048 36-53-34-402-049.000-004 $340.67 Harris, Gina M JOHN R JACKSON 14 79 S Elm St Medora 47260
361900049 36-53-34-402-052.000-004 $793.10 Moore, Michael Wayne JOHN R JACKSON 21 116 S Jackson St Medora 47260
361900050 36-43-13-100-002.002-005 $349.96 Wright, Mark G. & Vicki PT NE 13-4-3 1.10A. 5000 W Block Co Rd 600 S Vallonia 47281
361900052 36-45-23-200-024.002-006 $576.16 Wilson, John D E1/2 SE NW 23-4-5 2.32AC 7302 S Co Rd 550 E Crothersville 47229
361900053 36-65-10-203-001.000-007 $308.60 Waltz, Teresa TINDERS ADD LOT 28, 29, 30 6631 Mill St Cortland 47228
361900055 36-65-10-203-033.000-007 $1,795.42 Isaacs, Keith Marvin CORTLAND PT LOT 2 & LOT 3 10.01-6-5 4053 E State Rd 258 Seymour 47274
361900058 36-75-33-600-013.000-007 $2,231.21 Shuler, Sue Ann PT NW 33-7-5 2.49AC TRACT 1 3227 E Co Rd 875 N Seymour 47274
361900060 36-66-22-401-061.000-008 $716.54 Skinner, Bryan & Kristina D White jt/rs PEBBLE BROOKE SUB IV, LOT 136 1093 Mockingbird Ln Seymour 47274
361900061 36-66-27-100-011.000-008 $1,392.46 Miller, Gladys Faye PT NE 27-6-6 1.91A 3831 N Co Rd 1040 E Seymour 47274
361900066 36-66-15-400-023.009-009 $31,280.75 QBD Properties LLC COMMERCE PARK LOT 9 2710 Montgomery Dr Seymour 47274
361900067 36-66-15-400-024.000-009 $36,476.48 Stacey, Grover & Sondra E N 1/2 N 1/2 NE NE 22-6-6 4.59A PT SEC 15 4990 N Us Hwy 31 Seymour 47274
361900069 36-66-17-102-041.000-009 $3,804.36 Wilson, Ruth EASTBROOK LOTS 47 & S1/2 LOT 48-B 713 Devon Ct Seymour 47274
361900070 36-66-17-201-010.000-009 $2,143.45 Waggoner, Twana & Jessie Walker t/c PT BLK 49, LEININGER 802 Hustedt St Seymour 47274
361900071 36-66-17-201-093.000-009 $1,683.77 Brasher, David LEININGER ADD LOT 17 BLK 41 707 Hustedt St Seymour 47274
361900074 36-66-17-206-070.000-009 $1,373.34 Ackenback, Derek M.W. SHIELDS ADD 44′ LOT 247-W W SIDE LOT 516 E 2nd St Seymour 47274
361900077 36-66-17-319-023.000-009 $1,172.88 Chew, Frances A & Patrick J LOT 301 SHIELDS BLK W 321 East St Seymour 47274
361900078 36-66-17-322-033.000-009 $2,877.99 Boling, Larry & Kathleen PT LOTS 14,15, BLK 53 302 S Vine St Seymour 47274
361900079 36-66-17-322-063.000-009 $2,222.69 Sajvin, Melanie D Cruz SHIELDS 3–52 311 S Vine St Seymour 47274
361900080 36-66-17-322-083.000-009 $1,908.10 Mace, Elizabeth D SHIELDS 25′ S1/2 LOT 3 BLK 51 223 S Vine St Seymour 47274
361900081 36-66-17-403-065.000-009 $1,997.07 Bryant, Ellis GLENLAWN LOT 78 605 Centennial St Seymour 47274
361900083 36-66-17-403-142.000-009 $2,075.66 Dean, Roger & Donna Bensheimer jt/rs PT SW SE 17-6-6 .14A 300 Block Hancock St Seymour 47274
361900085 36-66-17-404-030.000-009 $2,265.36 Engleking, Tammi J MARLEYS LOT 14 & E/PT LOT 15 1009 Orchard Dr Seymour 47274
361900086 36-66-18-102-033.000-009 $2,673.20 Smith, Orville Sonny & Douglas L Smith PT NE 18-6-6 .38A 845 N Elm St Seymour 47274
361900087 36-66-18-104-052.001-009 $162.20 Stockelman, John W & Michelle SWOPE ADD PT LOT 33 BLK A W 7th St Seymour 47274
361900088 36-66-18-311-059.000-009 $1,554.77 Heitz, Sandra G BERRY ADD LOT 49-3 430 Kessler Blvd Seymour 47274
361900089 36-66-18-311-120.000-009 $4,862.40 Rodenberger, H Ken WESTOVER W PT 84 WESTOVER W PT 85 819 W 5th St Seymour 47274
361900091 36-66-18-401-010.000-009 $1,867.23 Cardenas, Juan Jose Rodriguez & Yazmin Rodriguez M.W. SHIELDS W1/2 LOT 1201/2 BLK W 518 N Chestnut St Seymour 47274
361900092 36-66-19-101-038.000-009 $263.70 Bolte, Paul D & Lora Kelly BUTLER LOT 4-M 700 W Block Brown St Seymour 47274
361900093 36-66-19-101-095.000-009 $3,896.92 DSV SPV1, LLC BUTLER LOTS 3 & 4 IN BLK R 518 W Jackson St Seymour 47274
361900094 36-66-19-101-128.000-009 $4,103.37 AMP Real Estate Solutions, LLC BUTLER S1/2 LOT 23-G 713 S Pine St Seymour 47274
361900095 36-66-19-102-116.000-009 $2,144.82 Toborg, Doug D & Sheila J PLATTERS ADD LOT 1 BLK 15 1001 W Oak St Seymour 47274
361900098 36-66-20-201-070.000-009 $784.83 Golland, Bernard C PFINGST LOT 37 BLK 4 104 E Laurel St Seymour 47274
361900099 36-66-20-201-097.000-009 $1,925.17 Mellencamp, Matilda Sue PFINGST 1-7 625 S Broadway St Seymour 47274
361900100 36-66-20-202-063.000-009 $332.00 Hood, Chalant & Lonzavis Turman Wehrkamp’s 2nd Replat Common Parking Area 600 Block Ross St Seymour 47274
361900101 36-66-20-204-061.000-009 $2,198.83 Reynolds, Justin Ryan & Kerri PARK GARDENS 31 815 Evergreen Dr Seymour 47274
361900104 36-52-11-300-027.000-010 $1,759.55 Wellman, Glenda J S PT W1/2 SW 11-5-2 8A. 12796 W Base Rd Norman 47264
361900105 36-52-11-300-027.001-010 $612.40 Wellman, Autumn Lynn & Kayla Joyce Wellman jt/rs S PT W1/2 SW 11-5-2 2A 12826 West Base Road Norman 47264
361900106 36-52-11-300-027.002-010 $479.39 Wellman, Glenda J S PT W1/2 SW 11-5-2 1A. 12000 W Block Base Rd Norman 47264
361900107 36-52-12-400-015.002-010 $230.05 Luedeman, Vickie L W PT E1/2 SE 12-5-2 1.034A 11212 W Us Hwy 50 Norman 47264
361900110 36-53-04-300-013.007-010 $6,321.28 Cummings, Phillip & Wesley M Cummings t/c PT NE SW 4-5-3 24.46A. 8564 W Co Rd 150 N Medora 47260
361900112 36-53-04-900-013.012-010 $370.55 Cummings, Phillip & Wesley Cummings t/c PT SE 4-5-3 15.89AC 8000 W Block Co Rd 150 N Medora 47260
361900113 36-53-04-900-013.013-010 $1,986.41 Cummings, Phillip & Zoe L PT SE 4-5-3 3.08AC 8600 W Block Co Rd 150 N Medora 47260
361900114 36-53-14-100-001.001-010 $457.40 Underwood, Karen E N1/2 NE 14-5-3 1A. 251 S Co Rd 650 W Medora 47260
361900115 36-53-16-400-025.000-010 $4,079.77 Burton, Timothy P & Angela R PT SE SE 16-5-3 26.37A. 8121 W Co Rd 75 S Medora 47260
361900116 36-62-14-301-002.000-010 $1,681.70 Lucas, Cora PT S1/2 SW IMP 14-6-2 .90A 12570 W State Rd 58 Norman 47264
361900117 36-62-14-301-006.000-010 $2,446.74 Lucas, Cora NE COR NE SW IMP 14-6-2 1A 5467 Moon St Norman 47264
361900118 36-62-14-400-025.000-010 $1,214.20 Lucas, Cora Jean PT SW SE 14-6-2 11.23A 5189 N Co Rd1250 W Norman 47264
361900125 36-63-29-401-033.000-010 $493.57 Charles, Linda J Contract To Jeff & Ann Powell CLEARSPRING PT N1/2 6 CLEARSPRING IMP 7 3367 N Sugar St Norman 47264
361900126 36-63-29-401-035.000-010 $295.12 Charles, Linda J Contract To Jeff & Ann Powell CLEARSPRING S1/2 6 3000 N Block Sugar St Norman 47264
361900127 36-64-07-202-034.000-011 $979.30 Abel, Curtis James PT W1/2 NW 7-6-4 .403A QCD FROM JUSTIN R FISH ON 07/25/13 INS # 201306245 & QCD FROM JEFF & TERESA WAGGONER ON 07/25/13 INS # 201306246 6842 Union St Freetown 47235
361900128 36-64-07-303-009.000-011 $200.91 Burnside, Jason W 7.03-6-4 JONES-FREEPORT PT LOTS 1E & 3E 6000 N Block Union St Freetown 47235
361900129 36-64-07-303-014.000-011 $2,517.21 Burnside, Jason W 7.03-6-4 JONES FREEPORT PT LOTS 1E & 3E 6712 N Union St Freetown 47235
361900130 36-64-07-304-014.000-011 $4,008.48 Vasquez, Ray & Angie PT NW 7.04-6-4 1.0054A. 6674 N Poplar St Freetown 47235
361900131 36-73-14-200-002.000-011 $230.35 Lutes, C. Wayne S PT SW SW 14-7-3 12A 11000 N Block County Road 650 Freetown 47235 W
361900132 36-73-26-400-018.001-011 $598.76 Reed, Ernest William Matthew N1/2 SE 26-7-3 7.02A. 9314 N State Rd 135 Freetown 47235
361900133 36-73-36-300-011.000-011 $5,783.07 Greathouse, Gary Wayne PT N1/2 SW 36-7-3 44.080A. 8298 N State Rd 135 Freetown 47235
361900135 36-74-27-200-009.000-011 $328.95 Dinsmore, Frederick PT NW 27-7-4 .50A 2237 W State Rd 58 Seymour 47274
361900138 36-74-31-100-003.005-011 $598.89 Flynn, Edward J JR & Debra L PT SE NE 31-7-4 4.50A. 8479 N Co Rd 425 W Freetown 47235
361900139 36-66-01-200-005.002-012 $6,100.66 Douglas, Mary L Revoc Trust Michael Hopkins PT NW 1-6-6 4A TRACT 3 7853 N Co Rd 1200 E Seymour 47274
361900140 36-66-03-100-019.000-012 $952.61 Spurgeon, Chester L. & Debra J. LOT 5 PT N1/2 SE 3-6-6 1.34A 7512 N Us Hwy 31 Seymour 47274
361900142 36-66-05-304-026.000-012 $2,226.22 Hoene, Janice L SEC 1 PT SW SW 5-6-6 .48A. 400 Block Redding Rd Seymour 47274
361900143 36-66-05-304-044.000-012 $1,369.87 Hallam, Martin Joel LOT 39 ROCKFORD HEIGHTS SEC. II 400 Block Alisa Ave Seymour 47274
361900144 36-66-10-403-016.000-012 $759.21 Phillips, Brandon P LAWYER PLAT TRACT 16 2A. 3000 Block Stardust Ln Seymour 47274
361900147 36-76-25-200-011.000-012 $553.34 Robbins, Richard C Sr & Katherine L PT NW 25-7-6 1.18A 12327 E Co Rd 1000 N Seymour 47274
361900148 36-76-30-400-046.000-012 $545.67 Edwards, Johnny & Brenda Sue PT SE 30-7-6 1A 9426 N Co Rd 760 E Seymour 47274
361900150 36-66-07-401-011.000-013 $1,578.94 Cooksey, Doris I GREENACRES SUB LOT 2 217 E 15th St Seymour 47274
361900151 36-66-07-404-022.000-013 $290.27 Collier, April WOODSTOCK 81–E 203 E 13th St Seymour 47274
361900152 36-66-07-404-024.000-013 $3,351.12 Siefker, Linda WOODSTOCK LOT 83-E 211 E 13th St Seymour 47274
361900155 36-66-08-305-014.000-013 $988.16 McIntosh, Hal D & Mary Ellen NOBLITT PRUITT LOTS 13 & 14 1010 N Blish St Seymour 47274
361900157 36-66-08-404-026.000-013 $2,780.11 Calvo, Leisha Lopez WILDWOOD COURT LOT 11 1000 Wildwood Ct Seymour 47274
361900158 36-63-05-500-003.001-014 $2,035.94 Peters, Larry W & Stella L PT N 1/2 NE 5-6-3 3.67A. 7749 N Co Rd 975 W Norman 47264
361900160 36-63-06-300-009.000-014 $571.36 Parker, Harold G & Kathy M PT NE SW 6-6-3 1.4A 10650 W Co Rd 760 N Norman 47264
361900163 36-63-08-300-013.000-014 $418.44 Branaman, Ronald G & Lisa G PT S 1/2 NW 8-6-3 18A 6059 N Co Rd 975 W Norman 47264
361900164 36-72-24-200-006.000-014 $215.53 Sprague, Timothy Lee SW NW 24-7-2 5.20A 10657 N Co Rd 1200 W Norman 47264
361900165 36-73-27-201-015.000-014 $428.87 Wyatt, Michael UPPER HOUSTON PT LOT 11, LOT 23, 24 9800 N Block First St Norman 47264
361900166 36-73-28-200-013.001-014 $393.34 Smallwood, Autumn PT E 1/2 NW 28-7-3 1A. 8485 W Co Rd 1000 N Norman 47264
361900169 36-46-03-200-024.001-015 $1,099.22 Marling, James L & Lucille J PT NW 3-4-6 2.50A AFFIDAVIT TO TRANSFER TO REAL ESTATE 11/14/13 INS # 201308763 10134 E Co Rd 400 S Crothersville 47229
361900170 36-46-03-300-034.000-015 $1,688.46 Hensley, Kevin G. & Tanita G. PT SW 3-4-6 1A. 10190 E Co Rd 500 S Crothersville 47229
361900171 36-46-04-101-015.000-015 $1,547.07 Southern Indiana Home Properties, LLC RETREAT LOT 24 IMP 25 4172 S Co Rd 1010 E Crothersville 47229
361900172 36-46-13-200-001.002-015 $423.70 Clay, Jessica D PT NE NW 13-4-6 1.25A. & Marianna Cravens Joint Revocable Trust 12000 E Block Co Rd 600 S Crothersville 47229
361900174 36-46-29-300-016.003-015 $1,418.57 Couch, Mary E PT SW 29-4-6 1A 8413 S Co Rd 850 E Austin 47102
361900175 36-46-32-100-005.001-015 $1,252.93 Johnson, Gregory W PT NE 32-4-6 2A. 8574 E Co Rd 925 S Austin 47102
361900177 36-46-33-300-018.000-015 $2,658.19 Miller, Marshall E. PT S SW 33-4-6 1A 9927 S Co Rd 900 E Austin 47102
361900178 36-56-11-100-006.000-015 $941.51 Temple, Richard A PT NE 11-5-6 .90A CONTRACT : TIMMY L ROBBINS JR INS # 200300196 RECORDED 59/1024 544 N Us Hwy 31 Seymour 47274
361900179 36-56-15-400-017.000-015 $1,332.12 Hildreth, Robert J & Elise C SE COR SE SE 15-5-6 2A 1008 S Co Rd 1100 E Seymour 47274
361900180 36-56-23-100-001.000-015 $1,560.07 Bratcher, Vanessa Lynn NW COR NW NE 23-5-6 1A 1141 S Us Hwy 31 Seymour 47274
361900181 36-56-25-400-024.000-015 $590.94 Davis, Jerry L & Michelle A PT NE SE 25-5-6 1.8A. 12868 E State Rd 250 Crothersville 47229
361900182 36-56-26-200-025.000-015 $4,221.46 Fee, Joseph W PT NW 26-5-6 2.14AC 2298 S Us Hwy 31 Crothersville 47229
361900183 36-56-26-300-020.000-015 $2,189.35 Fee, Joseph & Will PT NE SW & PT SE NW 26-5-6 1.55A 2500 S Us Hwy 31 Crothersville 47229
361900186 36-46-10-304-022.000-016 $2,579.94 Meek, Russell & Mary J – Life Estate , James A Meek ,David L Meek, Charlotte F Baker T/C KOVENER’S LOT 14 Charlotte F. Baker TC 209 W Myers St Crothersville 47229
361900187 36-46-10-304-031.000-016 $2,721.94 Stacey, Grover & Sondra E1/2 U.S.SHOE CORP. LOT 2 U.S.SHOE CORP LOT 1 500 W Howard St Crothersville 47229
361900188 36-46-10-304-032.000-016 $557.90 Haggadone, Ida E & Amos Plaster jt/rs PT E1/2 SW 10-4-6 .13A QCD FROM WALTER G & MELANIE J WAYT ON 07/13/12 INS # 201205037 412 W Howard St Crothersville 47229
361900189 36-46-10-304-075.000-016 $2,225.60 Jones, Travis W OWENS ADD LOTS 29 & 30 304 Mill St Crothersville 47229
361900190 36-46-10-401-016.000-016 $652.21 Fessel, Kyle Thomas PT TRACTS B & C 10-4-6 .33A 610 E Bard St Crothersville 47229
361900191 36-46-10-401-041.000-016 $482.61 Far South Properties Inc Contract To Teresa Shepherd LOT 11 GARLAND AKERS 3RD ADD & LOT 12 GARLAND 3RD ADD. 605 E Walnut St Brownstown 47220
361900192 36-46-10-402-038.000-016 $297.11 Kallembach, James E & Rosemary G BLAU 2ND PT NE SE LOT 3 10-4-6 206 E Walnut St Crothersville 47229
361900193 36-46-10-402-073.000-016 $5,246.81 Jones, Wesley Edward & Shynna Jent jt/frs PETERS W1/2 LOT 5 & 6 301 N Vine St Crothersville 47229
361900194 36-46-10-403-018.000-016 $2,787.75 Womack, Howard V & Daisy M E 1/2 LOT 40 IN DAVIS ADD. 202 E Howard St Crothersville 47229
361900195 36-46-10-403-118.000-016 $390.33 Uniontown Victory Tabernacle Church Inc Contract To Paul A & Kelly S Hensley 10.07-4-6 APPLEGATE LOTS 11, 12 & 13 110 Short St Crothersville 47229
361900196 36-46-15-101-001.000-016 $1,000.58 Riley, Otis DANIELS LOTS 3 & 4 601 E Moore St Crothersville 47229
361900197 36-46-15-101-012.001-016 $537.39 Densford, Courtney DANIELS LOT 12 & DANIELS PT LOT 13 204 Central Ave Crothersville 47229
361900198 36-46-15-101-028.000-016 $1,627.18 Hodge, Jonathan E & Mary L Cordes t/c frs PT W1/2 NE NE 15-4-6 .18A 307 Moore St Crothersville 47229
361900199 36-55-13-200-004.001-017 $859.19 Sawyer, Glen C & Stephanie M PT NW 13-5-5 2.31A 17 S Co Rd 600 E Seymour 47274
Total Properties: 140
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true list of lots and land returned delinquent for the nonpayment of taxes and special assessments for the time periods set forth, also subsequent delinquent taxes, current taxes and costs due thereon and the same are chargeable with the amount of tax, etc., with which they are charged on said list.
Given under my hand and seal this 4th day of September, 2019.
Kathy S. Hohenstreiter, Auditor, Jackson County Indiana.