The following will be sold for charges:
On 04/14/2023 @ 09:00 AM
3/29 hspaxlp
Notice is hereby given to the residents and taxpayers of the City of Austin, Scott County, Indiana, (the “City”) that the Common Council of the City of Austin, Indiana (“Council”) will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. local time at Austin City Hall, 80 West Main Street, Austin, Indiana 47102.
The purpose of the public hearing is to consider appropriating the proceeds the City of Austin, Indiana, General Revenue Annual Appropriation Bonds of 2023 (the “Bonds”), to be issued in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed One Million Five Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($1,500,000.00), together with all investment earnings thereon. The proceeds of the Bonds will be used to: (a) finance the construction and/or installation of certain potential energy related upgrades, such as photovoltaic energy arrays, to facilities owned by the City and (b) pay the costs incurred on account of the issuance and sale of the Bonds.
The Bonds shall have a final maturity date no later than twenty (20) years following the date of issuance thereof, and shall bear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding eight percent (8%) per annum. The Bonds will be payable solely from legally available revenues of the City, but subject to and conditioned upon the appropriation on an annual basis by the Council of the necessary funds to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds from one or more funds or accounts of the City, as determined by the Council in its sole discretion.
Said appropriation is in addition to any appropriations provided for in the existing budget. At said public hearing, all persons shall have the right to appear and be heard on the necessity of said appropriation.
Date: March 23, 2023
Common Council Of The City Of Austin, Indiana
3/29 hspaxlp
On or about April 28, 2023, the City of Austin intends to apply to the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs for a grant from the State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Stormwater Improvements Program, with full applications due June 30, 2023.This program is funded by Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. These funds are to be used for a community development project that will include the following activities: Drainage improvements in 3 areas of the city to reduce flooding and erosion. The proposed project includes regrading existing ditches with adequately sloped paved ditch or piping to provide positive drainage. New driveway culverts will be constructed where needed. In addition, an earthen berm will be constructed along Kenwood Drive and Tibbs Street. The total amount of CDBG funds to be requested is $600,000.00. The amount of CDBG funds proposed to be used for activities that will benefit low-to moderate-income persons is approximately $313,920.00. The Applicant also proposes to expend an estimated $178,000.00 in non-CDBG funds on the project. These non-CDBG funds will be derived from the following sources: City of Austin TIF funds.
The City of Austin will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. or as soon as possible following the City of Austin Board of Works meeting allows in the Austin Council Chambers, 82 W. Main Street, Austin, Indiana to provide interested parties an opportunity to express their views on the proposed federally funded CDBG project. Persons with disabilities or non-English speaking persons who wish to attend the public hearing and need assistance should contact the Office of the Mayor, City of Austin, 82 W. Main Street, Austin, Indiana 47102, or call (812) 794-6646, no later than April 7, 2023. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodation for these persons. Si necesita información en español, por favor de llamar al (812) 794-6646.
Information related to the proposed project will be available for review prior to the public hearing as of March 29, 2023 from the Austin Office of the Mayor, City Hall, 82 W. Main Street, Austin, Indiana 47274. Interested citizens are invited to provide comments regarding these issues either at the public hearing or by prior written statement. Written comments should be submitted to Victoria Bechert, Administrative Resources association, 748 Franklin Street, Columbus, IN 47201 no later than April 7, 2023 in order to ensure placement of such comments in the official record of the public hearing proceedings. A plan to minimize displacement and provide assistance to those displaced has been prepared by the City of Austin and is also available to the public. This project will result in no displacement of any persons or businesses. For additional information concerning the proposed stormwater improvements project, please contact Victoria Bechert, at (812) 376-9949 M-F 8:30 – 4:30 or write to Victoria Bechert, Administrative Resources association, 748 Franklin Street, Columbus, IN 47201.
3/29 hspaxlp
The voters of Scott county are notified in accordance with Indiana Code 3-8-2-19 that a primary election will be held within the county on May 2, 2023 with the polls open from 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. prevailing local time. I certify that based on the declarations of
candidacy filed in the office of the county election board, the following individuals will be placed on the primary election ballott.
Mayor of Austin
Jonathan Lee White
Austin City Clerk-Treasurer
Lonnie Noble Sr.
Austin City Common Council At Large
Bill Hill
Austin City Common Council District 1
Ryan Gabbard
Austin City Common Council District 2
Norma G. Morris
Austin City Common Council District 3
James Shelton
Mayor of Scottsburg
William H. (Bill) Graham
Scottsburg City Common Council At Large
Christian Evans
Scottsburg City Common Council District 1
Chris Albertson
Timothy L. Hall
Scottsburg City Common Council District 2
Bill Hoagland
Scottsburg City Common Council District 3
Larry Haven
Monty Stutsman
Scottsburg City Common Council District 4
Kevin S. Smallwood
Mayor of Austin
John Ashby
Roger Hawkins
Frank Noble
Austin City Clerk-Treasurer
Chris Fugate
Austin City Common Council At Large
Trevor McIntosh
Brandon Glenn White
Austin City Common Council District 1
Jimmy Turner
Austin City Common Council District 2
Joe Smith
Austin City Common Council District 3
Staci Mullins
Mayor of Scottsburg
Terry Amick
Scottsburg City Clerk-Treasurer
Jan Hardy
Scottsburg City Common Council At Large
No Candidate
Scottsburg City Common Council District 1
No Candidate
Scottsburg City Common Council District 2
Richard Cozart
Scottsburg City Common Council District 3
Mark Nichoilson
Scottsburg City Common Council District 4
Eric Lowry
Dated this 29th day of March 2023
Michele Shelton
Circuit Court Clerk
3/29 hspaxlp
May 2, 2023
Jennings Township
Precinct No. 1, 2 3
Austin Girls High School Gymnasium
401 S Highway 31
Austin, IN 47102
Vienna Township
Precinct No. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Scottsburg High School
McClain Gymnasium
500 S Gardner
Scottsburg, IN 47170
Early Voting
Scott County Courthouse
1 East McClain Avenue
Scottsburg, IN 47170
Early voting will be:
• Monday – 8:30 to 4:30
Lunch 12:30 to 1:30
• Wednesday – 8:30 to 4:30
Lunch 12:30 to 1:30
• Friday – 8:30 to 4:30
Lunch 12:30 to 1:30
• Saturday April 22nd, 8:30 to NOON
• Saturday April 29th, 8:30 to NOON
3/29, 4/5 hspaxlp
Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Trustees of Crothersville Community Schools will receive sealed bids at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 201 South Preston Street, Crothersville, Indiana, until 1:25 P.M. on Friday, April 7th, 2023, for school bus contracts beginning with the 2023/2024 school year and ending with the 2028-2029 school year.
1. Specifications on the above contracts may be secured from the Office of the Superintendent of Schools.
2. Fleet bids will not be accepted.
3. Bids shall be submitted on the forms attached to the “Bid Specifications.”
4. Bids will officially be opened at 1:30 p.m. in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools on April 10th, 2023, and read aloud.
5. The said Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive informalities in bidding.
6. No bid may be withdrawn without the approval of the Board of School Trustees.
Crothersville Community Schools
Board Of School Trustees
3/22, 3/29 hspaxlp
CASE NO: 36C01-2303-EU-030
In the Circuit Court of Jackson County
Notice is given that Elizabeth A. Sevakis was, on the 13th day of March, 2023, appointed Personal Representative of the Unsupervised Estate of Susan C. Sovern, deceased, who died on the 16th day of February 2023.
All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the Clerk of this Court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death,
whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred.
Dated at Brownstown, Indiana this 15th day of March, 2023
Piper Acton
Jackson Circuit Court
Attorney for Personal Representative:
Ronald K. Lambring #8659-36
Markel Lambring Law Firm LLC
136 South Main Street
PO Box 121
Brownstown, IN 47220
(812) 358-3200
3/22, 3/29 hspaxlp
The Scott County Board of Commissioners will receive sealed bids at the Scott County Auditor’s Office, 1 E. McClain, Suite 130, Scottsburg, Indiana 47170 until 4:30 p.m. local time on Friday, April 14, 2023 for the following:
Scott County Indiana Courthouse Sidewalk Scope of Work
•Remove curb.
•Remove 6’x95’ section of sidewalk from Southeast side of courtyard.
•Cut down to a depth of 12 inches x 8 feet around the perimeter of the courtyard.
•Remove soil and deliver to County property near Austin TriHawk.
•Install and compact rock to a depth of 6.5 inches.
•Install vapor barrier.
•Install welded wire 2 inches from top of 5 1/2 inches of concrete sidewalk, Welded wire minimum size 4×4-w1.4 x 1.4.
•Install rebar in curb.
•Repair additional 4’x6’ section of entrance sidewalk on East side of courtyard.
•Install total of 15 ADA compliant ramps.
-Eleven ramps at 4’ wide
-Three ramps at 8’ wide
-One ramp at 10’ wide (also to be used for vehicle access; concrete depth should be 8 inches with rebar throughout ramp area)
Additional information:
This sidewalk will be 8’ wide and will encompass electrical and light poles, All electrical and light poles will need expansion joints surrounding them.
Additional details and specifications can be obtained from the Scott County Auditor’s office between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Bids received after the specified date and time shall be returned unopened. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 5:15 p.m. local time on April 19, 2023 at the Scott
County Courthouse, Commissioners’ Room. 1 E. McClain, Scottsburg, Indiana 47170. No bidder may withdraw their proposal for a period of sixty (60) days after the date of opening.
Bids shall be submitted on forms prescribed by the Scott County Board of Commissioners, which may be obtained from the Scott County Auditor’s Office. Each bid item shall be marked to correspond with this legal notice. Each bid shall be accompanied by a surety bond or certified check in a sum equal to ten percent (10%) of the total bid. Each bidder shall fill out a non-collusion affidavit as part of their proposal.
The Scott County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any informalities in the bids.
Board Of County Commissioners
Scott County, Indiana
Mike Jones, President
Randy Julian, Member
Greg Prince, Member
Jennifer Rode Hamelman
County Auditor
3/22, 3/29 hspaxlp
In The Superior Court
For The County Of Scott
State Of Indiana
Cause No.: 72D01-2303-DC-0022
In Re The Marriage Of
Helen Vanwey
Daniel Vanwey
TO: Daniel Vanwey
Whereabouts Unknown
To the above person named as the Respondent and any other person who may be concerned.
You are hereby notified that there has been filed in the Scott Superior Court a Verified Petition for Dissolution of Marriage by the person named as Petitioner. This notice by publication is specifically directed to the following named individual, Daniel Vanwey, whose whereabouts are unknown.
If you have a claim for relief against this petitioner arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer.
You are further notified that you have thirty (30) days from the date of the publication of
this notice in which to respond to the Petition originally filed on March 7, 2023 in the Scott Superior Court, Scott County, Indiana, and, in the event of your failure to do so, judgment by default may be taken against you for the relief requested in the Petition for Dissolution.
In the event you fail to appear for said hearing, judgment by default may be taken against you for the relief requested in the Petition.
Dated: March 7, 2023
Michelle Shelton
Clerk, Scott Superior Court
Helen Vanwey
3/15, 3/22, 3/29 hspaxlp
State Of Indiana
County Of Scott
In The Scott Superior Court
Cause No. 72D01-2303-MF-0004
The Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns of HAROLD W. HARDIN, deceased,
Successor to Scott County State Bank,
Notice is hereby given that on March 8, 2023, there was filed in the office of the Clerk of Scott County, Indiana, a Complaint to foreclose mortgages and a Praecipe for Summons by Publication on Defendants, the Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns of Harold W. Hardin, deceased, whose whereabouts are unknown.
You must respond to this Summons and the Complaint within thirty (30) days after the last notice of this action is published, and in the event you fail to do so, judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint.
You may be entitled to a settlement conference that will allow you to speak with your mortgage company and discuss alternatives to foreclose. If you want a settlement conference, you must request it with the Court within thirty (30) days after the last notice of this action is published.
Keep in mind that the written response to the Complaint and the request for settlement conference are two separate things. If you do not file a written response within thirty (30) days but request a settlement conference, the Plaintiff may still obtain a default judgment and foreclose. If you file a written response but do not request a settlement conference, the court may decide you have waived your right to a settlement conference.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the Court this 3rd day of March, 2023.
Michelle Shelton,
Scott Circuit/Superior Courts
Attorney for Plaintiff:
William M. Braman # 15124-47
Lorenzo Bevers Braman & Connell
218 West Second Street
Seymour, IN 47274
(812) 524-9000
3/15, 3/22, 3/29 hspaxlp
State of Indiana
County of Scott
In the Scott Superior Court
Cause No. 72-D01-2205-JC-017
In The Matter Of:
LS – DOB 11/8/2017
A Child Alleged To Be A Child In Need Of Services
David Keith Turner
(Biological Father)
TO: David Keith Turner
Whereabouts unknown
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the above noted parent whose whereabouts are unknown, that the Indiana Department of Child Services has filed its Verified Petition Alleging the child to be in Need of Services, in accordance with I.C. 31-34-9-3, and that an adjudication hearing has been scheduled with the Court.
YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear before the Judge of the Scott Superior Court, One East McClain Avenue, # 252, Scottsburg, IN 47170 – 812-752-8425, 812-752-8424 for a(n) Initial/Fact Finding Hearing on 4/27/2023 at 11:00 AM.
At said hearing, the Court will consider the Petition and evidence thereon and will render its decision as to whether the above named minor child is child in need of services and shall enter adjudication accordingly. Your failure to appear after lawful notice will be deemed as your default and waiver to be present at said hearing.
be held in which the Court will consider (1) Alternatives for the care, treatment, or rehabilitation for the child; (2) The necessity, nature, and extent of your participation in the program of care, treatment, or rehabilitation for the child; and (3) Your financial responsibility for any services provided for the parent, guardian or custodian of the child including child support.
YOU MUST RESPOND by appearing in person or by an attorney within thirty (30) days after the last publication of this notice, and in the event you fail to do so, an adjudication on said petition, judgment by default may be entered against you, or the court may proceed in your absence, without further notice.
Michelle Shelton
Daniel J Lane, 34673-49
Indiana Department
of Child Services
1050 Community Way
Scottsburg, IN 47170
3/15, 3/22, 3/29 hspaxlp
State Of Indiana,
County Of Jackson
In the Jackson Superior Court 1
Grant Homes, LLC,
Wiper Corporation,
Mary Lu Jean Jones And The Heirs, Successors, Assigns, or Legal Representatives Of Any and All Other Unknown Persons Claiming Title To The Real Estate,
TO: Mary Lu Jean Jones And Heirs, Successors, Assigns, Or Legal Representatives Of Any And All Other Unknown Persons Claiming Title To The Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given that on March 3, 2023, there was filed in the office of the Clerk of Jackson County, Indiana, a Complaint to Quiet Title to Real Estate and a Praecipe for Summons by Publication on the Defendants, whose whereabouts are unknown.
You must respond to this Summons and the Complaint within thirty (30) days after the last notice of this action is published, and in the event you fail to do so, judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the Court this 3rd day of March, 2023.
Piper Acton
Jackson Circuit/Superior Courts
Attorney for Plaintiff:
Susan D. Bevers
Lorenzo Bevers Braman & Connell, LLP
Attorneys for Plaintiff
218 West Second Street
Seymour, IN 47274
(812) 524-9000
3/22, 3/29, 4/5 hspaxlp
State Of Indiana
County Of Jackson
In the Jackson Superior Court 2
GRANT HOMES, LLC, Plaintiff,
The Rose Trust, Richard E. Rose and The Heirs, Successors, Assigns, Or Legal Representatives Of Any And All Other Unknown Persons Claiming Title To The Real Estate,
TO: The Rose Trust And Richard E. Rose; and Heirs, Successors, Assigns, Or Legal Representatives Of Any And All Other Unknown Persons Claiming Title To The Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given that on March 2, 2023, there was filed in the office of the Clerk of Jackson County, Indiana, a Complaint to Quiet Title to Real Estate and a Praecipe for Summons by Publication on the Defendants, whose whereabouts are unknown.
You must respond to this Summons and the Complaint within thirty (30) days after the last notice of this action is published, and in the event you fail to do so, judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the Court this 3rd day of March, 2023
Piper Acton, Clerk
Jackson Circuit/Superior Courts
Attorney for Plaintiff:
Susan D. Bevers
Lorenzo Bevers Braman & Connell, LLP
Attorneys for Plaintiff
218 West Second Street
Seymour, IN 47274