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The future of Crothersville High School Alumni gatherings is on life support, according to long time organizers.

“We have reached out on our Crothersville Alumni Association Facebook page with no commitment or responses, so this is our last attempt,” said banquet organizer Tracy Karnes.

She said, Dawn Lewis, retired from the committee last year, and Karnes was willing to stay on, if help was received.

“No one has responded in helping with continuing our Crothersville Alumni Banquets, so we are afraid at this time we will not be having anymore,” said Karnes. “We do have scholarship monies that Dawn can help in selecting and awarding to CHS Seniors, if we don’t have any more banquets.”

If you are a graduate of Crothersville High School and want to continue these annual class gatherings, please contact Tracy Karnes at or call 812-820-3639 by February 28.