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As if the resurgence of COVID-19 wasn’t enough, the Indiana State Department of Health has announced that mosquito pools have tested positive for West Nile Virus. This is the first sign of the virus in Scott County this year.

ISDH officials state that citizens should take the appropriate precautions to avoid mosquito bites. There is no human vaccine and no cure for West Nile Virus, but can be prevented. County residents are urged to take the following protective steps when outdoors:

•Avoid being outdoors during prime mosquito biting times, dusk to dawn, if possible;

•Apply insect repellent containing DEET and follow the label directions;

•Wear long sleeved shirts and long pants.

West Nile is transmitted by mosquitos that have first bitten an infected bird. A person bitten by an infected mosquito may show symptoms three to fifteen days after being bitten.

It is safe to say that Hoosiers in all counties should take recommended precautions. There is a tendency for people to think that the mosquito season is over with the onset of cooler weather in the fall. However, the mosquitoes that have tested positive for West Nile are going to be infected as long as they are alive. Cooler temperatures WILL NOT kill the mosquitoes, but a good freeze will stop the cycle.

However, many adult females will just retire to a basement, crawl space, or other suitable area and remain dormant until spring. It is therefore important to remember that this time of the year can be very dangerous because the number of infected mosquitoes are at their peak. It only takes one bite from one of these mosquitoes to make a human very sick.

The virus usually results in a mild illness known as West Nile Fever, which can cause fever, headache, body aches, swollen glands or a rash. However, a small number of individuals can develop a more severe form of the disease with encephalitis or meningitis or other neurological syndromes, including flaccid muscle paralysis.

Health officials are also asking residents to take steps to rid their properties of potential mosquito breeding grounds by:

•Repairing failed septic systems.

•Drilling holes in the bottom of recycling containers left outdoors.

•Keeping grass cut short and shrubbery trimmed.

•Disposing of old tires, tin cans, plastic containers, ceramic pots or other unused containers that can hold water.

•Cleaning clogged roof gutters, particularly if leaves tend to plug up the drains; and

•Aerating ornamental pools, or stocking them with predatory fish.

Individuals over the age of 50 are at greater risk for serious illness and even death from West Nile Virus, but people of all ages have been infected with the virus and have had severe cases of the disease.

For more information: to see the map of Indiana counties with West Nile Virus.

For more information on West Nile Virus: www.