Crothersville Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Terry Goodin announced his retirement effective Jan. 31.
While his contract runs through June 30 this year, he said that his announcement now will give the school board time to search and hire an new superintendent by July 1.
“Pretty much everything is in place for the remainder of this school year and planning and budgeting for next year will begin in July,” he said. “This gives the school board time for an adequate search for a new superintendent and not put the school behind in planning for the next school year.”
Goodin, who is 55, has been the Crothersville School Superintendent for nearly 24 years and his retirement comes as he is now eligible. In Indiana public school teachers and administrators can retire at age 55 if they have 30 years classroom and/or administrative experience.
“It is truly an exciting but bittersweet day for me as I write (to) announce my retirement after almost 24 years as Superintendent of Crothersville Schools,” he wrote late last week. “I am excited to take the next steps in my life but sad I am retiring from a job I love so much.”
Probably Goodin’s biggest accomplishment was the $9-million dollar renovation and re-construction in 2004 of the 1956 high school
In making the announcement to the school staff he offered his gratitude for their hard work and dedication to the children of Crothersville.
“There is no hierarchy or levels of authority when it comes to educating and caring for children,” said the superintendent. “No matter what job you perform at Crothersville Schools you are a part of the team that cares for our kids and makes our school successful, we together have accomplished great things at our small school; for that, I say, Thank You.”
Goodin, who raises cattle on his Scott County farm, said he will focus on that endeavor for the immediate future but said he looks forward to opportunities that may come down the road for him.