The Crothersville Town Council continued its discussion of making speed limits on town streets uniform when they met on March 1.
A list of streets and their proposed driving limits was made available for public comments.
The town is proposing three different speed limits inside the town limits depending on the street.
Under consideration is:
30 MPH
Seymour Road, Walnut Street, Kovener Street, Bethany Road, East Street, Moore Street, County Road 600 S inside corporate limits, and Industrial Way.
20 MPH
Vine Street, Cindy Lane, Coleman Avenue, Preston Street, Jackson Street, Bard Street, Oak Street, Myres Street, Dixon Street, Park Avenue, West Street, Pennsylvania Avenue, Marshall Drive, Central Avenue, Benham Avenue, Rider Street, Kattman Avenue, and Howard Street.
15 MPH
Vonda Court, Virginia Count, Mill Street, Short Street, Dismore Street, Dark Street, Lowery Avenue, Faye Street, and all alleys.
“Eventually, all streets will be posted with their appropriate speed limits,” said council president Ardell Mitchell. “I don’t see us putting any speed limit signs in alleys but if someone is driving 30 mph, I imagine police can ticket them for unsafe driving.”
The council will consider first reading of a proposed speed limit ordinance at their April 5 meeting.
A much discussed requested loading and unloading zone for parents delivering and picking up children at a Main Street Day Care has been rescinded at the business owner’s request.
Kelly Schmelzle had request 15 minute parking in front of her business to allow for parents to load and unload children to her pre-school. The council and some members of the public felt that the on-street parking variance would cause safety and traffic flow issues in the morning since the child care was so near the school.
The council explained that the business owner and Chief of Police Vurlin McIntosh worked out a solution which allows parents to temporarily stop in the alley next to the business to pick-up and deliver their children.
In another matter, the community may be a step closer to a new town hall.
A second appraisal has been received but is considerably lower than the asking price.
The town is considering purchasing the old Methodist Church annex on Howard Street. The asking price is $55,000. Earlier, the town received an appraisal from Paul Nay & Associates for $47,500. A second appraisal from Jim Myers estimated a market price at $35,000.
State law requires the town to obtained two appraisals and then only pay the average of the two appraisals. On a 2-1 vote, with councilwoman Karen Mains casting the opposing vote, the council approved offering the Methodist Church $41,200 for the property.
Mains said her vote against the measure stems from her position that the town should build a new building on existing town owned land.
In other business the council:
•Hired Mason Boicourt as the new town sewer superintendent. Boicourt had earlier worked at the local sewer plant and has now become a certified operator. On a 2-1 vote, (Mains casting the opposing vote) Boicourt will be paid $17 an hour.
•Approved posting signs requiring owners of dogs who are being walked to clean up after their pet deficates on town or private property.
•Established large trash pick-up days for May 10 for the southeast section of town, May 17 for the north east second of town and May 24 for the west section of town. The Railroad and Howard Street are the dividing boundaries for the town’s trash pick up.
•Approved at the chief of police’s request, increasing the price of copies of accident and case reports from $3 to $5 and established the fee for Vehicle ID checks at $5.