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The spring Greater Crothers-ville Community Wide Yard Sale will be Saturday, May 4, according to Curt Kovener, editor of the Crothersville Times, the sponsor of the semi-annual event.
Residents wanting to hold yard sales that day can take advantage of the free advertising available in the Times.
“We hope that everyone who holds a sale will notify the newspaper so they are listed in the yard sale ad,” said Kovener. “The more sales we can advertise, the more excitement the event generates bringing more yard sale buyers into the community.”
Residents can have their yard sale listed by calling the newspaper office at 793-2188 and leaving a message with the newspaper’s electronic secretary advising of the family holding the sale and the sale location. The same information can be e-mailed to
The deadline for submitting your yard sale information is by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 26, to be included in the May 1 advertising.