Olivia P. Tucker
Times Reporter
Scott County Board of Commissioners voted to add a stop sign to the intersection of Fairview and Boatman Road at their regular meeting on Oct. 16.
Commissioner Greg Prince earlier addressed this intersection as a concern due to the line of sight for people turning onto Boatman Road from Fairview.
County Attorney Zach Stewart said that the intersection would turn into a three way stop consistent with the line of sight of approaching drivers to the intersection. He stated that the ordinance would be published for two weeks which would be more then sufficient for the sign to be posted. After the publication the sign ordinance would take effect immediately, he said.
The commissioners voted unanimously to install the stop sign at the intersection.
Scott County Board of Commissioners also announced a public joint meeting with the Scott County Council on Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 6 p.m. after their regular meeting to discuss the plans of American Rescue Act Plan (ARPA) funds that the county has remaining to allocate by the end of the year.