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Austin Church To Celebrate 50th Anniversary Saturday

Current and former members and the general public are invited to join in the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the House of Prayer Church, 1429 W. State Road 256, Austin. The celebration will be held at 6 p.m. this Saturday, July 22. The church was built in 1973...

Downtown Business Asks Council To Re-Consider Parking Ban

One of the two US 31 businesses in Crothersville impacted by last month’s restricted parking told the town council that his business is down because of the parking ban. Randy Richey, owner of Stop In Liquors, said the town council’s move to restrict parking on the...

Scott County Fair Alpaca Show

The Scott County Fair has various livestock shows hosted by the Scott County 4-H. The July 3 alpaca show always has a costume contest where 4-Hers can dress the alpacas up. The alpacas are owned by Tony and Jan Vance of Deputy. Pictured is Iyla Barlow with Finn...

Fish Fry Saturday At Hamacher Hall

Crothersville History Center’s Hamacher Hall, 211 E. Howard St. will have a fish fry this Saturday, July 15, from 1–3 p.m. The menu consists of a fish sandwich, slaw, chips, cookies, & drink for $8. Fish sandwich only is $6. Donations are welcome. For more...