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Scottsburg Tables Vienna Housing Variance Requests

by Olivia P. Tucker Times Reporter Scottsburg City Board of Zoning Appeals tabled a decision on zoning variances for new home construction in Vienna during their meeting on Monday, Aug. 21. Legacy Village is a residential project planned for a 30-acre parcel at 2693...

Dudleytown Church Plans ‘Grab & Go Cookout’ Sept. 9

Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Dudleytown will be hosting their annual “Grab & Go Cookout” on Saturday, Sept. 9, from 4-7 p.m. On the menu will be choice of a grilled tenderloin or grilled pork burger sandwich with baked beans, baked potato, coleslaw and choice of...

113 Parcels On Scott County Delinquent Property Tax Sale List

There are 113 parcels of property in Scott County with delinquent taxes that could be sold at an auction on Friday, Oct. 6, according to a legal notice on page 5 of this week’s print issue of the Crothersville Times and in the Legal Notices section of this on-line...

Trish Whitcomb To Seek Dist. 69 Statehouse Seat

Democrat Trish Whitcomb kicked off her campaign for Indiana House District 69 last Thursday during a rally in Seymour. Whitcomb, the daughter of former Indiana Governor Edgar Whitcomb (1969-1973), made the campaign announcement in historic downtown Seymour. Whitcomb...

JCIP Conducting Native Plant Sale

Jackson County Invasive Partnership is holding its third annual native plant sale. A seed mix containing, butterfly weed, foxglove. Coreopsis, and Prairie Blazing Star is available for $4 per seed pack. Native shrubs available include Prairie Rose, New Jersey Tea...

Scott Lodge Plans Live Music & Food Aug. 26

Scott Lodge #120 F&AM will be serving up a fish or tenderloin dinner on Saturday, Aug. 26 from 4-7 p.m. Live music by Nanny & the Old Goats will be provided. On the menu will be tenderloin or fish sandwich, slaw, french fries, dessert & drink for $10. The...